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Shotgun Picture Thread

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A pic of my custom-cyma shotty. It's a RS-foregrip and stock. From a M870 and a M500 respectivly.


Got a custom metalbarrel and heatshield. And the custom metalhousing is what I'm currently working on, seen down to the right.


Also in the pic is the original cyma foregrip for comparisment.

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Yeah added a stiffer spring. It was an old spring I had laying around. I think it's an old marui-one, which then should be around M85 measured by systema standards.


Haven't upgraded the "holdingarea" for the spring yet. I must do so pretty soon. I'm also working on fastening the stock in a proper way. Shouldn't be too difficult to build some sort of metalhousing for the spring. Thought I might add some metalplates to the back of it aswell for fastening the stock.


The area where the stock meets with the body of the gun is a quite crusial area.


Anyone who has any suggestions feel free to comment this.

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Just out of curiosity; why the p***ing-f*** did you do all that goodness to a CYMA gun? Would not any other manufacturer's gun have been better - the internals are the only thing left, granted. but surely then you would want them to be pretty good - am I totally mistaken here and CYMA make one high-quality thing i.e. shotguns? :unsure:

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Yup, totally - and fair play in that case - yet it still strikes me as odd unless the insides are pretty much totally replaced - in which case wouldn't a Maruzen CA870 be a better choice to start with?


Anyway, good work Xeno it should look very interesting when completed! Regardless of your crazy starting point :P;)

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For the price the UTG are golden. But of course you get what you pay for and the CA870 will be better as well as upgradable. But for the price I really like the UTG's. They leave a surprising welt as well, breaking the skin sometimes at close range. Good power.




- CapaciousZepher

Edited by CapaciousZepher
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just ralised what the m4 looks like, the long barrel and mag barrel with thepistol grip stock, surprised they haven't made one yet, would be great, although they would expect normal prices of benelli, wouldn't mauri make it as theyare making the benelli's?


The M4 is semi auto only...so it'd be pretty dumb as a marui gun.

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massacreman - The CA870 full stock is discontinued btw, it's out of stock everywhere. I was going to do something similar to you (G&P metal body, metal front end and short mag) but I couldn't find the full stock anywhere, emailed WGC and they said it's discontinued.

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massacreman - The CA870 full stock is discontinued btw, it's out of stock everywhere. I was going to do something similar to you (G&P metal body, metal front end and short mag) but I couldn't find the full stock anywhere, emailed WGC and they said it's discontinued.

oh, i might be able to find one somewhere or buy off the forums, i hope they aren't, i might email a few suppliers and see what they say, why would it be discontinued i thought it was doing quite well.

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Maruzen like to do things in 'limited runs' and 'special editions' and as such there stuff seems to come and go fairly quickly except for a few things.


Your best bet would probley be off the for sale sections of forums or if you could find a retailer that has some left in stock.

Edited by Hvy gear
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