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Explosive boobs and *albatross*


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I gotta ask, why would female suicide bombers bother with explosive breast implants if male ones just shove em up their tradesmans entrance?


Beyond that, it might be possible to get explosives aboard a plane like this but I can't really see how a detonator would be easily implimented.


I don't want to give anybody ideas but there are already far more convenient ways to get explosive devices aboard a plane without any of this malarkey so it's all really a moot point.

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^Natural all the way LOL.


And besides, come on.


Imagine, dying in an explosion caused by boobs. How awesome would that be?


That only works if you get smothered by them.


Plus, how to you ignite the bomb - put a lighter to your nipples? That would *fruitcage*-ing hurt.

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