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Lob Shots ?


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I don't have a problem with players aiming high to gain range on a burst. That's fine and if that's a lob shot then I have no issue with it or with taking it: real steel needs to be aimed higher when shooting further.


What racks me off is plods with hi-caps firing BBs in long bursts at long range hoping to hit someone. I have the same problem with bursts of more than 1-2 secs at close range and people with tricked up guns who spam the trigger at CQB sites with a SA only rule.


Marshals are there to deal with all the above and usually do becuase at the end of the day, you can't mitigate for stupidity and a (thankfully) small minority of airsoft players are straight out of the pram IMO.

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It's a bit on the side of the discussion, but since others mentioned it;
Banning hi-caps worked really well for us in Norway.
Sure, people bitched and moaned for a year or two - then suddenly it was a de facto standard as people realized they wouldn't get to go to events with hi-caps, and everyone just bought magazines with lower than 100rd capacity along with their new guns, and threw the hi-cap that came with the gun either in the garbage or the bargain bin.



The gayest thing any air softer had ever said.

Somehow, I highly doubt this - considering airsofters are one of the few groups in which you'll find men spending the entire week co-ordinating their weekend outfits in detail with each other ;)

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Regarding 'lob shots', as a support gunner I do this frequently. Not 45 degrees, but I often fire with my gun at an angle to coax the most range from it while using a scope to observe the impact point. I find it particularly useful for hitting people behind low cover like logs, because the BBs come down at a relatively steep angle, and it's a very effective way to suppress an advance when you can threaten people from well outside their effective range.


In real life this is called plunging or grazing fire depending on the application, and it's an essential part of machine gun doctrine. Establishing a beaten zone with long-range fire, engaging an area rather than a point target, was a primary tactic used by machine gun emplacements in both World Wars, and sophisticated mechanisms were developed to perfect it, such as the traverse mechanism on the German MG42 Lafette tripod.




I totally understand the frustration with people sticking their guns up like mortars without even a semblance of aiming, and I understand the frustration with regular rifles spraying with hicaps at a 45 degree angle, but IMO those are more the logical result of hicaps giving everyone more than enough ammo to spray unaimed fire without fear of running out of ammo. If at a particular site widespread use of this tactic is proving detrimental to the enjoyment of the players, I would think restricting ammo would be a logical solution, as I can't see people doing this if all they have are midcaps or a single hicap.


But if a player is annoyed because an emplaced machine gun with a box magazine is engaging from 100+m out by arcing fire, I would gently suggest they seek an appropriate counter-strategy rather than accuse the player of unsportsmanlike behavior for applying a technique that is both effective and realistic.

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Yes but theres a limit between real life and real steel. There should be a limit of some kind.


If its going to save your life or provide a tactical advantage in RS the blind fire can work. Airsoft no.


I feel the same with "lob shots" its just such *suitcasey* behaviour, should be 'Unless you can see your target, do not fire' kind of thing.


Raining 500rds down like mortar, while yes it is effective is just dull and imo ruins gameplay.


There has to be a balance between


on my phone, my spelling will suck

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I think I (like most players) I've tried the odd lob shot , you know the situation your at a game there's a shed load of the other team 'milling around like sheep' in an open area it's out of 'aimed' shot range so you think "f**k it , I'll have a go" And give it a blast in to the air to see if they'll reach , you don't really expect to hit anyone but at least hopefully scare the s**t out of them ! ?

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Had lobed shots aimed at me before, both sitting in tree lines at opposite sides of a field could see the guy walking his shots closer & closer, aiming higher and higher... Wasn't really an effective tactic, as soon as he started to get close we moved off, but if he had hit we would have taken the hit...


Closest I've done to lob shooting would be aiming up to extend the reach a little, using hop up as some do they're already using a sort of parabolic flight pattern, lob shots are just an extreme of that...


Don't use it myself, don't really have a problem with it though!

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If anybody knows Ground Zero - between "checkpoint charlie" and "stag camp" was a constant volley of lobbing. It's a bit lame but banning it is too hard to enforce. Another argument in favour of ammo limits and playing at closer-ranged sites. 


Got a corker of a shot across there this year. 


A delta was sat with his legs dangling in the trench at stag, complacent as you like... I was sat in a bush in charlie, sent a round from the VSR over and bounced it off his helmet. The look of sursprise on his face made the weekend.

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The gayest thing any air softer had ever said.


Huh, and it wasn't me, given my life choices :P.


Also on the matter of lob shots, well given I play mostly indoors rather than outdoors it doesn't matter so much to me but to be honest I also play a lot of sites that discourage such practice and encourage closer engagements reducing the need for it. I have not taken some hits that were lobbed when the shot hit me slower than a falling leaf as that is just daft but if I feel it then a hit is a hit, take it and move on. I have found that unlike blind firing, it shouldn't be banned but discouraged, otherwise people would just sit back and do it all day :D.



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I've always wanted try to do that with a group in some sunday skrimish game just for the lolz. I've seen people doing it, problem i guess is when u play games where there is only high caps for example. If u play a mid cap game i honestly see it more as a waste, it's hard to hit ppl doing this. 

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