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Wtf? And I mean that.


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Personaly, I think the whole thing stems from the fact that you're a forum legend; everyone knows who you are. I mean, you used to get neg-reps when you changed your avatar, fer chrissakes.


People see you as one of these all-knowing people because of who you are, and your post count.


I hate to do it, but I'm going to have to use a hissing sid reference here. Before he got booted out, his opinions were repsected simply because of who he was. He was almost always right, so anything coming from him was deemed credible and essentialy gospel truth.


In a nutshell, he's got the idea that you know more because you've been around longer, or something.


In freudian terms, he wants to sleep with his mother and sister at the same time, and is trying to come to terms with it. Or, something equaly scary.



EDIT: Goddamnit, where the hell has that "Can I get a wtff, my brothers and sisters!" Picture gone!?!? This thread is just crying out for it.

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But that's not quite what he's saying. His point was that I was in some way using my post count to effectively counter his arguments. My issue with this is that I am in fact countering his arguments with facts and logic, and that sadly he is wrong. I've said this before, but if someone who's never posted before makes a good point, they'll be acknowledged for it, whilst someone like myself, HaVoC or anyone else with a high post count will be rightly flamed if we post rubbish.


I mean, look at what he's saying:

I think you're reading far too much into a video game and letting your ego and whims for pedantics get in the way of the conversation. After all, you are a high and mighty user of this forum and I only have a lowly 800 some odd posts. Therefore I must be wrong, right?
I've linked to the thread in question. Go through it and find where I'm being pedantic. For that matter, show me where my ego enters into it. Do I mention my post count, my rep points, my penis size, or anything else that isn't relevant to the discussion? No. What happens is the guy can't cope with being wrong.


So, what is the larger point I'm trying to make? Simply that I'm sick of people who can't actually debate/argue properly. People who can't concede defeat. This is a perfect example, because it's not about opinion, it's verifiable fact. There is no room for agreeing to differ, because simply by playing the game, it is obvious that I am correct in my description of how the gun works. But on a larger scale, I'm sick of people who can't concede defeat using one of three strategies to end it:

  • saying that we'll have to agree to differ.
  • blubbing that someone is using their post count to intimidate them.
  • posting the "arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics" picture.
All three strategies are simply an attempt to avoid defeat by denying it. A bit like refusing to admit defeat in a game of chess, even though you've only got your king left, and all you can do is move it from one position to another, but never being put in checkmate.



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How would that be any more or less relevant than a normal post count? It's a little number on a screen. It's of less relevance than rep points. At least rep points are some indicator of how a person is regarded. Post count, as I said earlier, just shows that I've made 9000+ posts that weren't quite offensive enough to get me banned. Hardly means I'm to be looked up to.



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Some of the mods have faked post counts, yes. But that's so they look important.


But, some of them don't. I cba to keep track of who has what, realy.


And sledge, I agree with you on this. People who can't accept they're wrong seem to be the bane of the internet. I can happily accept I'm wrong; In fact, if someone proves that I'm talking out of my *albartroth* on something technical, I give them a rep point for it. Hell, I've already done it once today.


Problem is, as you say, some people can't accept when they're wrong.


Look at it this way: By and large, people are small-minded idiots. It's a symptom of the human race. We've just got to deal with it, and try to find people that are an exception to taht rule.


EDIT: Sledge, you're looked up to anyway, wether you deserve it or not. You've been on this forum for ever, and the same for the preious incarnations. You've certainly been here a hell of a lot longer than I have.


You've also got a wealth of knowledge and quite a bit of experience, and you're completley insane. Who wouldn't look up to you? I sure as hell did When I was a wee n00b.

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I don't mind being looked up to.


Actually, that's a lie. I do mind. It has a certain responsibility. Not to the same extent as the good folk who moderate this forum, but it does mean I have to curb some of my excesses a little, for fear people will take me seriously. Anyhoo.


I grudgingly accept that some people may look up to me. What I object to is the accusation that I would use that to win a serious debate. I've used it to win frivolous ones (the recent debate over use of :zorro: to sign posts, for instance), but in any serious debate, I want to win or lose on my own merits.



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I don't mind being looked up to.


Actually, that's a lie. I do mind. It has a certain responsibility. Not to the same extent as the good folk who moderate this forum, but it does mean I have to curb some of my excesses a little, for fear people will take me seriously. Anyhoo.


I grudgingly accept that some people may look up to me. What I object to is the accusation that I would use that to win a serious debate. I've used it to win frivolous ones (the recent debate over use of :zorro: to sign posts, for instance), but in any serious debate, I want to win or lose on my own merits.




Your a master-debator

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The post count/rep points/e-penis thing is getting out of hand. Like I really listen to Havoc just because he is the resident rep hoser :P. The only reason why we listen more so to the forum regs is because we know them, if they are usually right or wrong, and can tell when they are sarcastic. The newer members cannot distinguish so they just think that you are being an *albatross* just because they are new or haven't been here as long.



EDIT: Too many filtered words...

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Sledge, I don't respect you for your post count. I respect you because you're pretty much always right, and are a total legend. I'm not going to argue with that :P


Also, I'm still scared that you will hunt me down for not selling you that Mk23, so I've got to stay on your good side... :P

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I don't mind being looked up to.


A lot of the people who are "looked up to" on this forum are the older age group.


This is a simple correlation that points to the fact that as you get older your ego wanes and your typing ability waxes.


Add to that: frankly, you are quite witty at times and bingo: Forum Genius.


Anyone on the (perceived) top will always be a target, it is a downside of that relationship with the pile in the first place. This guy is only embarrassed and lashed out; reading his edit proves that.


Everyone wants to be popular and will do whatever it takes to stand out; just look at Darklite! ;)


Real kudos, comes through one thing only; playing well in game. Then, when walking around town, you have people shout out "Basho!".



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People don't like to be wrong. They never do, it hurts their ego too much. When someone comes in and not only says they are wrong, but proves it several times, that person runs out of things to say. They degrade to finding anything, your post count, rep points, hell even your avatar maybe, to find that one shining ray of hope that you could be wrong or, more inportantly, to instill doubt in the others viewing the arguement. An added bonus to this would also be to hurt your ego as well. It almost never works, but these people try and end up going home whining and crying to mommy.


Arguements almost always degade to this:

  • You're ugly
  • Your face is ugly
  • Your mom's face is ugly
  • Your Mother's a ######
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Sadly, that cannot be. It just isn't in the vast majority of human's vocabulary to say "You're right, I didn't know that." Or "I stand corrected." Think of the Fonz trying to say he was wrong. No wonder Pride is considered one of the seven deadly sins in western religions.


Sledge you are the first person, in the year I was here, to actually spell "Weirdo" Correctly when referring to me.

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I have nothing useful to add, but I want to increase my post count so I can win more arguments on the internet and therefore feel better about my life.



What do you mean the post count doesn't increase in off-topic? Why, you little...

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It's not the fact that you have the power, it's the fact that people look up to you, and you abuse it faaar, faaaar to much.

I do have the power. I also have the touch.


In other news: I don't think most of the regs do care about post count, accept as a means to access custom member tags, etc. It only seems to get brought up by someone with an inferiority complex when they're proved wrong. I would like someone who thinks I or another regular uses their post count somehow in arguments to come forward and explain themselves.



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Indeed. I don't care about post count; If I get corrected by someone wiht one post, so be it. If they're right, then they're right. The onyl post counts that matter to me are:


50 posts, for reps

500 for custom titles

1000 for the fact it's 1000 posts

1337 for the fact that it's leet.


And 10,000, as it's just so huge.

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