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AGM Sten Mk2


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For some strange reason two separate threads regarding the release of the AGM Sten Mk2 have been locked and put in the duplicate news folder after apparent confusion with the VIVA Sten Mk2 thread. They are made by different manufacturers and are considerably different in price, the AGM being £195 while the VIVA is around £350. We don't see every new M4 thread locked simply because TM first released an M4 donkey's years ago and I believe particularly here in the UK that the AGM Sten is a pretty important new release, important enough to warrant its own topic.


AGM Sten info at Airsoft World yet again!


MkII Sten

Product Description

Yep -you read that right - a Mark II Sten gun!


Closely modelled on the V*** version, this has been simplified, particularly where the switch is concerned.


No adjustable hop (yet!), lo-cap MP40 mags only, shoots a good 40m with 0.2g BBs, although they're still rising at that! May well need 0.25g BBs.


Full auto only - no safety, no semi, no rails, no bayonets, no fancy folding stock just a big lump of black metal. Perfect!


Supplied with a LiPo battery & balancing charger, these are of questionable quality and we are looking to source a better unit as soon as possible. This has caused some odd fire/no fire issues, so be aware.


Running at 320 fps at the muzzle with 0.2gs.

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Nice one bud, my thread was deleted. I know there`s a few peeps out there who bought one of these at the W&P show, wouldn`t mind getting my hands on one just to see what its like in comparison to the Viva....not keen on the lipo though ;)

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I had direct word with AW and was told yes they couldn't for the life of them understand why the HOP was implemented the way it has been, it seems there is a full HOP unit installed less a means to actually adjust it. However it can be modified to allow adjustment via a user drilled hole with a grub screw fitted a la STAR M249 and M14SOPMOD. However they have also stated that although the gun is putting out around 320fps with 0.2g BBs and at forty metres the BB's are climbing, they suggest trying 0.25g or heavier to bring the trajectory back down, so at least in the short term the lack of a fully featured HOP isn't a show stopper. Agreed that at this stage of the game there isn't any reasonable excuse to not have a proper HOP fitted but that it isn't the end of the world. Hopefully by the time I get round to getting mine AW will have convinced AGM to sort their lives out!


Airsoft World comment on Comrades in Arms WW2 airsoft forum:


Yith wrote: I can't see how you can possibly think that the lack of a hop unit is not a problem.
It's not a problem because at 40m+ (the length of our warehouse range) the .20 BB's are still climbing. The velocity is around 320fps so it's not because the Sten is overpowered, we reckon .25's would be a good idea to bring the curve down.
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Would any non lipo battery fit inside the gun or are we stuck with a lipo until some modifications have been made to the gun.


The gun ships with a (dodgy Chinese) LiPo battery and balance charger. I have no idea what if any non LiPo batteries could be made to fit. I'm hoping to be able to fit a smaller 8.4V NiMh if only to keep the rate of fire down while using only low and mid cap magazines. You'll have to wait until someone who owns a Sten posts their findings if they try to fit a different battery.

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Gotta agree there. No safety, a non-adjustable hop, no fire selector and a crummy battery for 195 quid seems a bit sharp to be honest.


How much of that do you think is AW hiking the price in the hope to cash in on desperate WWII airsofters while they still have exclusivity.


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Still not keen on the price for such a basic gun.


I can understand that especially considering I bought a mint pre 95 deactivated Sten Mk2 in 1996 for £120! Mind you I did sell it in 2002 for £290 when I got into re-enacting WW2 Yank, trouble is now I re-enact British, I really could do with that Sten, plus it would be worth over £400 now.


Yes it is expensive but I have to look at all my AEG and GBB collection and ask myself if they really were worth in monetary terms what I paid for them. In all honesty I don't think they were in that sense. However in terms of the amount of fun I've had playing airsoft over the past ten years they were worth it.


While I was hoping the AGM would come in at around £150 to £160, £195 is still cheaper than the £350 you'd pay for the VIVA Sten.

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I find it hilarious that AGM has made 3 World War II guns and has screwed up on something every time. The MP-40 has a selector switch when it shouldn't, the MP44 has the wrong reciever, and this Sten has no safety and selector when it should. Although, who am I to complain, they're just minor details that dont bother the average airsofter. Although, I see no reason why this gun costs more than a FULL STEEL Dboys Aks74, when they are so similar. The company they made a deal with must have a MASSIVE markup on it. Although I'm a "Yank" I'm pretty interested in this piece. The Sten was a very interesting submachinegun.


Here's some more sick irony for ya, clipped right from Wikipedia:


The Sten (or Sten gun) was a family of British 9 mm submachine guns used extensively by British and Commonwealth forces throughout World War II and the Korean War. They were notable for having a simple design and very low production cost.

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...Although, I see no reason why this gun costs more than a FULL STEEL Dboys Aks74, when they are so similar...


It's because they can, they are the only ones with a cheaper Sten on the market so they can jack the price up all the want because they know somewhere someone will buy it because the either want to play WWII or the love the Sten and don't want to pay $550 for the VIVA one. Also £195 would be $325 and that seems like a lot for a pretty basic gun considering it has no selector, saftey, and more importantly adjustable hop up :(. I also hope that we are not stuck to lipo's in it, ROF would be way to high and I only use 8.4's.

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I also hope that we are not stuck to lipo's in it, ROF would be way to high and I only use 8.4's.

Battery sling or nothing, battery size was the reason AEGs like the Sten were never made until now.

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I know someone in HK who just recently purchased a new Viva Sten for a little less that $300 which comes down to £180. I'm inclined to believe that this "AGM" offering is one and the same.


is not same the outlook is bit different and VIVA new model has working hopup while the AGM does not...

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The company they made a deal with must have a MASSIVE markup on it.


wait a month and its open for every other company, I think it can be up to 30-40% cheaper, AW is riding with Exclusive right now and price is just plain crazy its so simple design there is no way in hell it can be so expensive, i think they chose to keep it up because they know Viva is much more expensive even it looks now Viva is much better though.

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I had a fondle of one of these yesterday.

If you have a 'thing' for WWII stuff, it's very nice!

If you don't, you will see it as a very basic, over-priced lump of metal (I don't think there's any plastic on/in it, other than the air nozzle probably, and a small part or two in the trigger switch asssembly).

It's very solid, which isn't really surprising given that it's basically just a couple of metal tubes, and is well made.

The magwell is just like the real one, with a sprung latch to allow it to be swivelled.

The owner wasn't bothered by the lack of hop adjustment, he said it's set for 0.25g BBs and the range and accuracy is pretty good.


I'd be surprised if the price stayed that high for very long.

There will always be people who will fork out over the odds for something, just because it is the latest thing, or a specific era item like this that's in short supply.


Would I buy one?

No, I'll make one :P .

I've been planning to do it for a while now, I just need the time :rolleyes:

Seeing how they've done it, using an M14 box with a slightly different motor carrier, it's quite simple.

The M14 box is perfect for it, once all the external components are removed (trigger, selector, cut-off, etc)


I don't understand why so many people are still afraid of Li-Pos :huh: .

Cheap Chinese ones, fair enough, chuck them in the nearest fire-proof bin, but good quality ones shouldn't be any problem if treated properly.

It would be no problem to have a pack (any type) on a sling either, or modify the stock to take a stick pack probably.

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