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Hero-gear battle mug


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"Whether you are fighting drug lords deep inside the jungles of Colombia, stomping out Al Qaida terrorists in Falluja Iraq, or eradicating no-good hippies in Berkeley, California… "





Sadly, there are plenty of people on this forum (yeah crunchy bunny, you, you *fruitcage* retard) who would agree with this,joking aside.



I kinda want one...

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further adverts will read:

"new lasersight for accurate high speed quaffing"

"AVALABLE NOW the new HSLDTDU (HighSpeed LowDrag Tactical Drinking Unit)"


"Avalable accessories. RIS shotglass, for those tastey chasers that you dont want too loose. simply boltem to your TDU"




but seriously, at theese prices i will wait for a china clone

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Calling people names in threads they ain't even posted in gets you a week long suspension.


If this for like $20 I'd have one, but the price is just ludicrous as it stands, who cares if its milled from a 13lb block of aluminium? Its not a bloody V8 engine its a beer tanker! its useless as a coffee/tea mug cos it would get too hot and they don't even give you a feckin' handle!


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If also wondered this, there is a picture of them pouring beer into it and its covered in frost. I don't know about you, but if you stuck this aluminum mug in a freezer and put your lips up to it wouldn't it fuse onto there like trying to lick frost off a metal poll? But either way, i'd totally buy one just for the pure novelty factor.

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