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the best parts of airsoft

he's in the bushes!!!

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Spending 5 minutes crawling pistol only up to a fortification, avoiding the view of the lone guard there to wind up right behind him with your pistol on his neck - calling him out. Then realizing he was a teammate. Then, both of you are shot from behind. By another teammate! True story of my friend Paul :P

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That feeling that you get when you walk blindly into an ambush and your laying on the ground scrunched up into the smallest area possible with BB's wizzing around your ears wondering how they managed to miss you.


Survival, just surviving the onslaught can be the reward in itself, even if your dead a few seconds after trying to move to better cover when you thought they had moved on (how I hate that rear guard)

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best parts for me is the after game *chaffinch* chat at the safe zone, airsoft for me is as much about guns as it is about socialising, the stories you hear about suicide runs and tham suriving is great fun, i play with a great bunch of guys, where cheating is virtually non existant, and when cheating does happen, it is usually a mistake as people think it is a ricoceit (cant spell sorry!) or debris falling from the trees



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i love that. i feel like im in a john woo movie


Pretending I'm in a John Woo movie. On the same note being referred to by the rest of your team as Castor Troy for the rest of the day.


watching the new guy trying to impress his team mates by making a dash for the flag that has 30 AEG's pointed at it then giggling like a little schoolgirl as he vanishes in a hail of white plastic :D


Making a dash for the flag that has 30 AEG's pointed at it then giggling like a little schoolgirl as I fail.




Most crazy suicide runs using pistols and wearing a selection of coats. Either succeeding against all the odds, or just failing awfully! :P



Crawling through bushes for absolutely ages because your pistols are just to loud to take more than one shot with each.

Making those two shots count.

Crawling out into the middle of the enemy base, surrounded.

Sitting in a bunker with shots flying all around you but never actually hitting, or, sitting in a corrugated iron bunker with EVERYONE firing at it. (nice and loud)



Just generally, those times when you get VERY lucky, against all odds. And the times when with really good odds, you fail miserably!


Wings :detective2:

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Playing a night game. Sneaking up on an enemy patrol then when no one is looking just start walking along with them right into their base unchallenged. Then pulling out the silenced Mk23 and capping the whole team from behind.

It was the best thing ive ever done it was so fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...
best parts for me is the after game *chaffinch* chat at the safe zone, airsoft for me is as much about guns as it is about socialising, the stories you hear about suicide runs and tham suriving is great fun, i play with a great bunch of guys, where cheating is virtually non existant, and when cheating does happen, it is usually a mistake as people think it is a ricoceit (cant spell sorry!) or debris falling from the trees




Amen Brother, Amen.


Why is arisoft soo good...


-Shootin people..then whe you get shot, you get up, go "respawn", and ya do it all over again.



My teammate said at our last rec game:

"You know you play to much airsoft when it's like, 12 degrees, there's 2 feet of snow..*points up and grins* and it's raining...'n' we're still out here shooting eachother."


-Guns..'nuff said


it's goo for ya. All teh physical stuff involved..it'll keep ya in shape..to some extent(it's definately no alternative to the gym.



It's all about good times with friends. if ya can't have fun playin', why play at all..? Sometimes you just can't take the game as serious as the real deal..ya gotta have fun with it.

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Well...I haven't soft'd yet, but the one thing I'm looking forward to IF it happens...


A sudden burst from obscurity. I want to either be completely new and really surprise people by actually being really good (God willing), or being a relatively average player, then doing something really amazing that turns heads.


It's how I play all games.

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"5 minutes left!!!"

"Ok lets just charge them"

-Various 'ok's, 'yea's and 'lets do it's-


Then your the only one that goes and gets pummelled with white plastic....


Limping past...."you guys are the worst team mates ever"

Makes me smile :)


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the yellows had taken the hill and had dug in. coming out of the re-spawn I clicked the wheel on the base of the AK74 magazine to make sure i was good to go. I headed towards the hill and used the green smoke laid down by the red team to work my way around the side of the hill. the defenders concentrating on my fellow red team members to their front.

as I slide down out of sight i caught some movement to my left. I froze and watched. sure enough the yellow team sniper in his gillie suit was to my left but hadn't spotted me. i lowered my profile as he approached. he was cautious and i could see he was trying to get into range to engage my team mates with his snipers rifle. when he was about 20 meters from me I popped up and let him have a burst of 6 to 8 bb's "hit!" and he walked off.

his team mates on the top of the hill hadn't noticed the kill as they where still trying to take on my team. I scrabbled up the hill with the ak in my shoulder, looking down the open sights, a target appeared above a log..2 quick bursts later "hit!" and he walked off. by now his team knew something was amiss but didn't know what or where. I was 10 meters out from the top of the hill and a couple of fallen trees covered my approach. I rounded the end of one of the fallen trees and the yellow team appeared in a nice long line again one of the logs facing my other team mates. acquire...fire..acquire..fire..acquire..fire..acquire..fire and it was all over.

now all we had to do was hold the hill from the counter-attack. (combat south 2 weeks ago)


for me thats what makes airsoft great!

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Going on a solo flanking mission to save your teammates from getting gunned down in a bush.

Your time is limited and you know it, as you saw the enemy approaching on standby towards your guys' position. Having broken free, you take a route through one base and swing around the outside of it bringing you like a blade into the side of the grouped aggressors. You dive into a bush and wait. All of a sudden, there they are, patrolling the area and marching towards your team. There they all are, nicely lined up ready to be hosed down. You feel your heart pounding in your throat as they pass you in your bush. As the ticker calms down, you take a deep breath, pop up and shout:

"YOU'RE FACING THE WRONG WAY!!!!" proceeded by a repetitive yet satisfying 'DEGGADEGGADEGGADEGGADEGGADEGGA' "Hit!" "Hit!" "Hit!" "Hit!"


You back out and relocate to another bush and settle there. You watch the billows of sweat evaporating from your perspirating palms. You did well. Having returned to your group, you hold your head high to your teammates' blissful ignorance. They have no idea what you did for them, but still you return to base that evening and clean up your weapon. Her shine captivates you into remembering her as your key than your tool. Without her, you would not have been able to carry out the gamesaving task.


The best feeling of achievement you have ever experienced flushes itself through your veins and fills up every sense in your body. This feeling is truly one of the best parts of Airsofting life.

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  • 1 month later...

My fovorite thing in airsoft is my own horrifically sinister idea: Grenade bolas! The only thing that beats seeing someone's legs get taken out from under them is the look on their face when they see that there's three grenades tied to their feet. I've only pulled it off once, but it was priceless.

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