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I resurrect this thread to post a WE Apache, to which I fit a surplus German SEF trigger housing and original slimline handguard with no modification to the airsoft parts and a lot of swearing and Dre

It was missing something. That deficiency has been rectified.

Gave mine a little run down, wasn't going for a used and abused look, just a LOT of used.  

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Not mine but German Gun works custom.


I tried running my Mp5SD in the same format, but found it pain in the *albatross* with the battery in the foregrip, having to loosen the clamps all the time etc.




Delta, is it just me or does your aimpoint look canted upwards?

Edited by thatguy404
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Delta, is it just me or does your aimpoint look canted upwards?


I thought that too. Then I covered the front half of the gun with my hand and looked at it in relation to the receiver and now I think the barrel looks bent down.


Or maybe its me.

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No it's the aimpoint.. the actual nut that goes through the Aimpoint mount and sits in between the rail slots is ever so slightly too big and makes it tilt.. I only noticed after taking the photos and editing them.. have since taken a file to it and levelled it out! 


I plan on cutting the excess material off the Jubilee clips too but that'll make it a PITA to remove/reinstall.. once I've got the hop sorted and am happy with it's shooting properly straight I'll sort that! But you gotta remove the grip to access the hop so it has to stay that way for now! 

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