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How long till china clones GAGA?

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Two points:


A. You just admitted to watching a Gaga video...

B. All I saw was a fairly generic Armalite before I desperately hit the "Close Tab" button.


A. It came up on the music channels and all else that was on was repeats of top gear which i had seen a million times on dave.

B. If you watch at 7:35 its just one major WTF ......

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Songs not bad, Its a bit of a jazzed up version of something ABBA would have sung in the 70s, Madonna would have sung in the 80s etc. Nothing really new there.


Video is... well, these modern music videos are like mini-feature films these days. If they want to spend that much just promoting a song, thats up to them.


Gaga... well, shes OK. I didnt dislike the song as much as I expected to, and she does have some talent.


WHAT THE HELL did they do with those M15s? :o


She's trying to be a new Madonna. Compare this with half of her mid-career songs, both in style and substance. Spot the difference...

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My sister showed me that demanding me to identify what guns they where (The curse of the gun nut) and I identified them as M16a2 front ends, though I admit I know so little about the hundreds of variants of the mattel rifle to confirm it was that and not an M15 or an AR or something else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What happened to her face? She looks like someone thoroughly slapped her around with a large fish of some kind...


My thoughts exactly, when she's not slathered with ten pounds of makeup she looks like she's spent her life smoking 2 packs a day mixed with some rocks when she runs out of smokes.


Chicks ugly, music sucks, and her "style" lacks any sense of reality. I refuse to click the link simply because it will add to the viewed count and further propel the misconception that her music is worth the time it takes to listen to it.

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