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Side Saddles are for fast ghost loading, should be loaded 'primer' facing up though then again doesn't really matter. Check out 'MatchSaverz' as well for super fast ghost loading. 


Bloody expensive but if you learn the 'Load Two' or 'Load Four' methods you can potentially load 8 rounds into the tube in under 2 seconds. 



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With a few exceptions, this is the business plan of almost all the entire airsoft industry.

Awww yeah.  Super Shorty version incoming  

FPR steel bolt, looks much more realistic than the original, cycles the same as before.   

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Maybe not too clear but thats totally different. Used for Practical Shotgun shooting, meant for super fast reloads. May take up real estate but being able to reload a shotgun faster than the average joe can reload an aeg, could be worth it!

Side Saddle as mentioned is for ghost loading when expending the entire tube without reloading.

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Just adding my experience from the PSG world :)


I doubt you can ghost the APS 870 as its a pain with the RS 870.


Either way for a speedy chamber load. I expect the APS is the same but the tube cant be easily or effectivley loaded unless the pumps forward. So having a side saddle/round mounted on the pump to load to chamber super fast means you can then load up the tube faster

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O M F G!




I was at a local CQB indoors game yesterday with the APS CAM870 shorty...

It was pistols and shotguns only game  :D

Figured it was a perfect oppertunity to try it out. Better odds for me!


Haha. It was EPIC! Never had so much fun in my life!


I got plenty kills with it as well. Really great!


You know how people are supposed to call out "HIT!" or "OUT!" when they get shot?


Well pretty much everyone one went "AAARGH SON OF A B!TCH THAT HURT!" or "AAAUH MOTHER FYCKER!"

Haha, it was fun but I felt kinda bad.


Especially the poor *bramston pickle* I hit about an inch from his d!ck... He screamed like a little girl and limped off to respand, hahaha :D


Also hit a guy in the lower back area from like 12 yards... I think his words were "HOLY SHEIT THAT THINGS STINGS!" :P


I wish I had a GoPro mounted to capture the reactions, it was the best!


I had some jams in it though, but 99% sure it was due to the shell catcher. Mine doesn't sit very well on the reciever so it moved a bit and I got double feeds and jams and whatevers. But yeah, other than the few jams the shell catcher worked good. Takes about 10 shells before it needs emptying so with the shorty that's two full loads or with full size one full load. I had 40 shells with me in total. But the ammo went faster than I expected and the rounds were really quick as we were only 10 players total. So 5v5. But it worked out pretty well :D


And being a noob at gaming I just looked down and went "da fuq?" and the next thing I know I got shot out :D


Also had a few times were my shotty jammed, pulled out my pistol (WE M&P) and I hadn't loaded it, went "click click". Guy turns around and shoots me :P


But yea, woah, pure awesomeness!


Other than that it worked really well. I had maye 1 or 2 duds and same amount of lower powered shots.


Got a guy in the neck (not on purpose) from about 15 meters with this thing. He was like "dang that thing is scary!" :D


Also after the game I went around the site and picked up my waddings. Recovered almost all of them, I shot maybe 60 rounds total, recovered 55 waddings. All intact.

Cleaned them off and dryed them up, ready to go again!

So yeah, that works good.


It was just... so cool :D


I felt really bad *albatross* sneaking around with it, then "ka-blam -> kla-clack ka-blam".


Haha. My team mates who were shot out told me about the "*rickroll* shot".

They were like;


"We just heard "boom... kla-clack... boom...ka-clakc "EEEEIIIK AUUUUW!" and then we saw a guy limping out around the corner holding his crotch."



Indoor games = my kinda thing! :)


Shot 10x 0.25g BBs per shell.


Three thumbs up from me!


There was also a few rounds in pitch dark where I pulled out my WE M&P SAI gun with X300 clone and turned on the strobe. Didn't work out so well for me but sure as hell looked cool :D

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Got to love shotguns :D Especially awesome ones like this! 


How did you go on loading?


I REALLY want to pick one of these up to use for a game but just too expensive at the minute :(


I loaded up all 40 shells at home before I left.


Then I loaded 4+1 in the gun pre-game. And put like 20 extra shells in each of the pockets of my pants.


Then once the shell catcher was full I emptied that out in-between rounds, filled up another 4+1 and restocked my pants with more fresh shells, dumped out the spent shells in spawn and so on.


It worked pretty well actually.


I did have to reload in game a few times but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Just ducked in behind a corner, hand down pocket, grabbed a few shells and loaded them in until it was full, then went on with my killin spree :D


I reloaded about 20 shells towards the end of the game. Total of 3 hours of play.


So yeah, you need a lot of shells unfortunately. I would say minimum 30-40 but possibly up towards 60-70 if you wanna be safe. Just because of how cumbersome the reloading process is. It's not optimal to do between games. I actually had to use two reload breaks to reload my 20 shells...

Otherwise you would have to sit out a round or two to reload.


Granted I might not be the best of players since I am new, so I shot off maybe too many shots at the same target without a clear shot. So that could be a factor of how I used up my ammo as well.

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I think that is just a dump pouch or smilar, one of the zip open ones. One of the advantages of a real shotgun being you don't have to pick the shells back up :P.


Have seen that shootout scene far too many times now, about the only 6 mins worth watching of that film (aside from the random punch up and odd five min shootout before this one). Also at 2.15 that is how most people seem to take hits in CQB around here about two seconds late ;).


EDIT: Oh and 2.20 is the perfect time to watch for a reload of the shotgun.



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You could have one on each leg side for different shells or one for shot and one for about to shoot?


True though it is not amazing but loose shotgun shells does seem to be a way that people carry them in bulk when all they have to do is load, shoot and forget.


But then that is like comparing speed / competitive shooting with combat shooting. In speed you are either static or only moving short distances so you can carry other options. In combat you need to move and not have pouches that can easily eject the contents off your mags everywhere. :).



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Good points! Though not always static often running from and to crouched positions, though your right over pretty short distances. There's also a retainer at the top that stops the rounds flying out lol 


I'm currently working on a simple spring loaded version which should offer very secure round holding, high capacity (16 rounds, 8 side by side), fast reload time (two - four at once) while not taking up too much real estate on the belt! Ill stick it up here when i'm done. Made of course from Kydex :D


Spent shells yeah you need a dump for sure. In the past when ever I used to run my shotguns I had a totally different loadout. Dropped the plate carrier and switch to a belt. Pistol/Drop leg + 5 mags. Shotgun one point sling, shotgun reloads to my left. Worked well


PSG Set up is pretty similar, obviously bar the side arm :P 


Me thinks once i've paid everyone back, fixed my car and set up my RS870 how I want it I shall buy one of these then run airsoft games with a PSG set up and a side arm. Think that would be hilariously fun. Especially if I could potentially outgun AEGs :D

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I will admit as awesome as this shotgun is for practial options Marui kind got it right with the gas M870. As funs as the APS is I would use it if airsoft had more 3-gun or PSG events ;).


But then there is nothing more fun than watching someone come into a doorway, shotgun levelled in the 45 degree angle, fire a round and rack a spent shell into their own face :P.


Though as for the competitive over combat well that is always going to be the way. Pistols are the same as I would happily run a Fobus 1911 mag pouch in a shoot event but in a woodland game I would just not trust it to do the same job as a closed flap pouch, even if said closed flap is slower.


Also now I want a proper Way of the Gun style game. Lost of pistols and covering fire that isn't just random shots in a game but actually has a purpose :).



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