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Pictures of your Weapon

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That LR300 must've costed a whole bunch of nut sacks.  Did you convert it yourself or bought it built? :blink:

I built it myself, using an old CA M15A4 as a part donor. It was very easy, except for the rear sight, which was a real PITA to assemble. I had to give up with the lower dial spring, I couldn't make it fit - so now the dial doesn't click when turned. Not that it really matters though.

Other than that - the kit is absolutely perfect, rock solid and well worth the money.

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right on post the pic when u get that ml stock :) my idea was always to get the m203 mount and mount a m203 on the ml version like they show on the zm weapons site. i had the idea long before the kit was even a thought but money never allowed me to make it :(


offtopic but heresa funny pic i found lol under the american flag it reads "doing the work of" and those r the flags of russia germany and france lol


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I can see a TM magazine on your CA M15A4. Did you experience problems with the CA mags or what's the reason? I hope there will be an EOTECH replica soon on the market. I also want it on my AR-15.


Wow, so many nice photos showing cool guns.

I think this thread really shows, that we need the photo gallery up soon.

Well, I owned a TM M733 beforehand. I also hate hicaps with a vengeance. The CA hicap worked fine, but I just don't like the idea of them, so I sold it. It works absolutely great with TM locaps, so I just stick to those.


PS: Unless we all chip in, I doubt we will be seeing an image gallery any time soon. They're a literal bandwith black hole.

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Heres a shot of my M15 (Unfortunately i need a better digicam, but that will have to wait). I have some ideas to make it a bit more personalised, hopefully to be done in time for distant thunder next year !


To those that have posted photos, some very nice weapons here B)

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lol dude, thats a total noob cannon lol.


Dont throw hunting scopes on guns that don't need them.


cheers for that constructive comment...use your brain next time, or just dont open your mouth in the first place


for your information that scope is

a ) not going to be staying handle mounted forever - if at all

B ) serving a practical use as a spotting aid in the woodland games i play

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Yes, scopes on guns used for woodland, as long as the magnification isn't too high, can be a great help sometimes.


You might think that looks stupid, he obviously doesn't. Nothing gives you the right to criticise that.

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woah woah, just some constructive critisism. Dont explode on me.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this thread is for people to post pictures...and others to comment on them, right? The right of freedom of speach gives me the right to critisize that.


Tripod: Nice rig there, do you have any color pictures of the Grad-1? Looks sharp.

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Hehe, everybody's photoshopping now. ;) I'm too dumb (or lazy) to do any photoshop, but one of my friends, who's a pro-photographer, took a couple pictures of some my guns. Check them out. The last one (SOCOM and USP compact) was by me with no photoshop. I'll post some pictures of my big guns later. ;)




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