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All users be advised: Do NOT use Airsoft Dynamics

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And worryingly, their web-site seems still to be accepting new orders and payments. They are even displaying the UKARA "Responsible Retailer" logo, and no mention that I can see to say that they may not be able to fulfill orders placed.


That is just VERY dishonest behaviour :(

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Totally out of order really. Some other forums (we all know which) are still displaying adverts and links for AD aswell!


It's just beyond a joke that they havn't closed the website down, it would only take 60 seconds and could be done so easily, but they must be intent on ripping more people off to try get every last penny they can :waggle:

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Yeah, I raised that exact point on a certain forum about three weeks ago and the mods called me "a gobby little c**t" (without the **) then banned me :flamed: .


Makes you wonder what their motives are for being so protective of AD really.




As a user of both other forums, I can report that there are none of the banners/links on display and this was checked after reading the above posts.

There are, however, people who still seem to think it is ok to go on and post personal information and physical threats instead of doing the sensible thing and contacting bank/credit card/police etc...

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As a user of both other forums, I can report that there are none of the banners/links on display and this was checked after reading the above posts.

There are, however, people who still seem to think it is ok to go on and post personal information and physical threats instead of doing the sensible thing and contacting bank/credit card/police etc...


It's been made clear that no such things are tolerated here, Darth - you'll notice I personally saw to the removal of some such details a fortnight or so ago.


Cheers for the update on the banners being removed also - it should deal with any far-fetched allegations of people being in collusions. :)

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Totally out of order really. Some other forums (we all know which) are still displaying adverts and links for AD aswell!


It's just beyond a joke that they havn't closed the website down, it would only take 60 seconds and could be done so easily, but they must be intent on ripping more people off to try get every last penny they can  :waggle:


Actually they aren't.


Their forums are still there and people are collating information on what is owed.


Any services provided to AD were done so free of charge also. As they are to all those who use the forums.


As I've had to point out to 5thElement before on this thread.


Edit: Just noticed Darth Thump's post. My bad. :(

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Hi DT,

Not sure why you chose to quote my last post then go on to talk about...


"people who still seem to think it is ok to go on and post personal information and physical threats instead of doing the sensible thing and contacting bank/credit card/police etc..."


I've never posted personal information about anyone or made any threats. I informed my credit card during the first week of January and have advised others to do the same.


Apologies in advance if I've got the wrong end of the stick, but I don't see why you are quoting me before your last post.




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None required, was merely quoting the banners part and didn't edit the rest.

As a relatively satisfied customer of AD's, I have been following the threads (am actually owed a tight barrel from months ago but forgot about it) and the the last post I read yesterday was on the community forums and was admin edited due to what was obvoiusly personal details and threats.

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This is a good move - theres however still a link to AD from www.ukasc.net/



Im unsure of who runs what website so maybe it has little to do with the people operating the forums previously running the banners for so long.


Just a heads up...

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Cheers DT, thought it was something like that, no sweat :)


Update from my case for general info:


After my full refund received last week from my credit card company, they've sent me a letter saying:


"...it is possible that the bank of the company concerned may not agree that you are entitled to a full refund. They have up to 60 days to contest the refund and provide further information. If this happens we will contact you again."


In the circumstances (my order was never dispatched) I'm hoping this will be a highly unlikely scenario.


Anybody else had success with a credit card charge-back yet?


Best Regards,



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OK Guys just to give everyone a little insight to whats happening I have it on very good authority that AD have gone into recievership.

This does not bode well for those that have placed orders etc. My suggestion is to write a letter to AD with copies of your outstanding orders and gear that they have asking for the goods or return of your money.

This should then get to the hands of the solicitors dealing with their troubles.


Very Sorry To All Thode Caught Out by Them.

If they are in recievership, then Companies House should be able to confirm it,unles they are some unregistered con artist like Mark Wooley and Special Airsoft Suplies.

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Cheers DT, thought it was something like that, no sweat :)


Update from my case for general info:


After my full refund received last week from my credit card company, they've sent me a letter saying:


"...it is possible that the bank of the company concerned may not agree that you are entitled to a full refund. They have up to 60 days to contest the refund and provide further information. If this happens we will contact you again."


In the circumstances (my order was never dispatched) I'm hoping this will be a highly unlikely scenario.


Anybody else had success with a credit card charge-back yet?


Best Regards,




I've had to issue a chargeback before (not AD related) and i got a letter worded exactly the same as that, so i guess it's just a standard letter they send out with all chargebacks.

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Hi all,


Ok i can share a bit of info with you that you may or may not be aware of. However I dont know all the details.


I worked for AD full time up until Xmas just gone. I was made redundant in the week between Xmas and the new year which will explain why some of you might of had an email from me during that time regarding orders placed. Since then i have had no further business with AD.


The reason i havent been up the sites since then is that i wanted a break from Airsofting. Ive been Airsofting for a long time, infact so long that you wouldnt belive me if i told you. I was working 13 out of 14 days in a row all to do with Airsoft and i needed a break. I will be attending again soon.


As for the AD situation,


All guns that are owned by you guys that AD had in for repair or upgrade are safe and well. You will most certanly get them back.


If you dropped them off to AD at Chobham or Eversley or indeed took them into the AD shop then you will be able to collect them from Eversley or Chobham in the very near future. There will be a system put in place for this but its not sorted out just yet.


Guns that were sent to AD by post will also be available for collection from the two sites but i understand that some of you guys live too far away for this. A system will be put in place for the return postage of your guns but this will unfortunatly be at your cost. (this is better than not getting your guns back at all).


As soon as its possible a system will be put into place for you guys to get your guns back, it will be some kind of "by arrangement" affair that is convienient for you. The guns will not transported to the sites for collection without prior arrangement so dont just turn up and demand them.


Please remember that i personally dont have possesion of your guns but it will most likley be me bringing them to the sites for collection.


Unfortuatly i cannot give you any specific information regarding AD's business as i havent been involved in it or working there since the 29th dec 2005 so please dont ask me. However when i learn any new information i will let you guys know.


For people who are owed money or items of stock the best thing i can advise you to do (which has been said several times before by others) is to contact your bank and make a claim through your Visa or Mastercards. You will most probably get the amounts refunded to your cards without too much hassle. (this is just advise and not anything further).


This is all i know at the moment so please dont ask me anything further. As i said earlier in this post i will update you as i get the information but for now thats it.





Crazy Dog.

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or maybe just maybe he has been made redundant and doesnt want people to get screwed around and loose there guns.


whilst its all fair and well to say you have a problem with AD due to X reasons and comment on there absence with facts it is quite another to sit behind a keyboard and be basicaly accuse anyone linked to them to be a fraud or whatever you are realy thinking


"it sounds fishy" my ase it does


the owners oif AD are probably not permited to enter there store or touch anything untill the loss adjusters have been in and that would include the website.

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Just to say that I am reporting the company to the police, having had no joy with the bank (debit card) on the basis that their operation has become fraudulent. Can't remember seeing anyone else posting that they were going to do this? But then I may be wrong....

It would be good if there were many reports to the police then perhaps we might get somewhere.

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