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Crowd Cheers Suicide On To Jump.....


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Strange times we live in. People are starting to value human life a lot less. I wonder if video games, violent television, etc have anything to do with that, or what is up. People use to care about other people. The next generation is going to be a very interesting one, to say the least. This is very upsetting. I feel sorry for the kid. He may have had a chance if it weren't for people encouraging him. 3 hours before jumping shows that he had doubts and probably could have been talked down if the community was more supportive. This story is really sad, not just because the young man died, but because of what it says about that community and humanity in general in the next generation.

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I'm not sure you can blame TV and video games for desensitising people.


People play video games and see blood and gore and then oooh and ahhhh over how "cool" it looks but it certainly doesn't prepare you for real gore.


However, I think the media and games DO create a certain element of encouragement for this sort of thing.

What I mean is that I suspect a lot of people who, otherwise, might still hold a basic abhorrance of any violence will have a morbid curiousity to see something gory happen.

For that matter, I don't think it only applies to injuries. I think people "enjoy" things like forest fires, collapsed buildings, hurricanes and whatever else simply because it gives them a feeling of "I was part of a news event" and this desire over-rides the more fundamental, yet subtle, human desire to care for one another.


I agree completely with what you're saying though.

If we are to live in a society that values spectacle and excitement above wellbeing and harmony then we're in for a rough ride.


Personally, I've never really contemplated suicide.

I guess it depends what drives you to it but if you really have a solemn desire to extinguish yourself I would imagine you wouldn't care if you had an audience or not.

As you say, the fact he waited for 3 hours suggests that those 3 hours might have been enough to talk him around if he'd had some help.

Course, on the other hand, he might have just been waiting for his ex-girlfriend to get home from work to make sure she saw him on the news.

Who knows?!

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It was most likely a minority of local chav-scum pond life.


Let's hope so, right?


However, I think the media and games DO create a certain element of encouragement for this sort of thing.

etc etc


Edit: Well put, Stealthie. I agree completely.

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It's a shame people are so prejudgemental and hateful of each other in modern society, but it's a tragedy that a young person is able to publicly take his or her life to the amusement of others.


These are human beings, for gods sake!



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Let's hope so, right?


According to the Police quoted on Sky News it was only a small minority of those present in the crowd.


I think blaming the media is a little chicken and egg. Does the media shape the way people behave or visa versa. Look at historical examples like the Gladiators of Ancient Rome or public executions for examples of this sort of behaviour away from a pervasive media culture. At the end of the day our culture has changed but we are essentially still the same ape descendants with the same brains, hormones and hard-wiring.


Personally I think this sort of thing has always happened and will always happen we just live in a time where immediate communication is much easier. Hence these events get reported quickly and discussed within hours of them happening. Even ten years ago this would probably never have been reported on outside of local newspapers. It's also easy to point to anecdotal events such as this and discuss the 'rot in society' and then blame the scapegoat of the day.

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Thats quite sad and i agree its such a waste of life. whats worse is people chearing for him to jump. Ok they may have been chav kids doing the chearing but its a sad day when small minority of chavy kids can dominate communities with there thuggery. Bring back caning in schools.

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It is sad but at the end of the day when this happenned on the M25 some tw@ on an overhead gantry had me stuck there for 4 hours whilst the police tried to get him to come down I did quite guiltily feel


"i wish you would just get it over and hurry the *fruitcage* up if you are going to"



but the kids breaking the cordon to take photos is just sick.

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I'm not sure you can blame TV and video games for desensitising people.


People play video games and see blood and gore and then oooh and ahhhh over how "cool" it looks but it certainly doesn't prepare you for real gore.


However, I think the media and games DO create a certain element of encouragement for this sort of thing.

What I mean is that I suspect a lot of people who, otherwise, might still hold a basic abhorrance of any violence will have a morbid curiousity to see something gory happen.

For that matter, I don't think it only applies to injuries. I think people "enjoy" things like forest fires, collapsed buildings, hurricanes and whatever else simply because it gives them a feeling of "I was part of a news event" and this desire over-rides the more fundamental, yet subtle, human desire to care for one another....

That's basically what I was getting at, but you put it into words much better than I could have. I agree completely.

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It does make you wonder when some-one will say enough is enough, take us back to when you could disapline your child without being charged with child abuse, defend yourself without being charged for assault and get rid being sued for some *beep* falling down the stairs whilst nicking your TV.


We are a poor excuse of a country the decent majority are now the minority, and it shows when you have some little bastards cheering some-one to take their life! It is a waste. I think anybody that was filming it should be made an example of, I don't know how because in my opinion they don't deserve the right to continue living but the police should at least have destroyed their phones.

Some day there will be an uprising against what this country has become and to be honest I can't wait for it.

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It does make you wonder when some-one will say enough is enough, take us back to when you could disapline your child without being charged with child abuse, defend yourself without being charged for assault and get rid being sued for some *beep* falling down the stairs whilst nicking your TV.


We are a poor excuse of a country the decent majority are now the minority, and it shows when you have some little bastards cheering some-one to take their life! It is a waste. I think anybody that was filming it should be made an example of, I don't know how because in my opinion they don't deserve the right to continue living but the police should at least have destroyed their phones.

Some day there will be an uprising against what this country has become and to be honest I can't wait for it.




Viva la revolucion!



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I'd be right behind you.


Stuff like this makes me sick.


If this happened in the US, couldn't those who cheered him on be charged for...something? Don't know exactly what, on the top of my head, but I remember there being something that this could be considered. So might England have some sort of similar law?



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