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Battlestar Galactica


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I'm excited about the next season also, but I can't help but wonder where Moore is taking the story....


And I'm ###### that he doesn't incorporate more action into the episodes. In his webcasts he was talking about how "oh... we don't have a second unit... so its hard to shoot action scenes..." and "i'm not good at writing action....bleh blah bleh... my womanly bits hurt...." It makes me mad. His justifications for not making the already damn good action sequences more elaborate and prevalent through out are complete BS! I just hope he doesn't "George Lucas" the series.



And don't get me started on how they ditched the "sci fi" look of the weapons for the Berreta cx4's. What was wrong with the Seburo MN23's and the trick pistols they had? One pint you guys get on firefly for is low production values; well W.T.F. is up with putting a mp5 foregrip on a Tokerev T33 and calling it a grenade launcher?


[ /rant]

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Galactica/Pegasus are gonna have a *badgeress* to come and pick everyone up, they've got next to no crew.

Only way I can see it happening is if another band of people are found that can crew the Battlestars - Pegasus' original civilian fleet?


Or the Twelve Colonies. There are likely to be many, many groups of human survivors on the Twelve Colonies, including units of the Colonial Marine Corps and Army.


I believe you are correct sir....

but still WTF?  What was wrong with the old ones?  They still dub the sound effects....


They were revolvers with resin covers that you had to pull apart, reload, and then put back together again in between shots? That and you can't get one character firing off seven or more rounds in a shot with the older sidearms.

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Or the Twelve Colonies. There are likely to be many, many groups of human survivors on the Twelve Colonies, including units of the Colonial Marine Corps and Army.


Fair point, but they need ship crew first.

Marines and Army are great for taking the planet back, but I'd think there's a decent fleet in orbit.

Has anything been mentioned of any classes of large combat ships other than the Battlestars?

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They were revolvers with resin covers that you had to pull apart, reload, and then put back together again in between shots? That and you can't get one character firing off seven or more rounds in a shot with the older sidearms.


I had figuered they were simmilar to "Dekard's Blaster" from Bladerunner in that regaurd. Just rewatched some episodes, and they do go ape-s on the trigger often....

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Fair point, but they need ship crew first.

Marines and Army are great for taking the planet back, but I'd think there's a decent fleet in orbit.

Has anything been mentioned of any classes of large combat ships other than the Battlestars?


Most aircraft have back-up pilots, in case the primarly pilot gets sick or dies and theirs an emergancy call-up. It's probably been a year or more since they've been inside a cockpit, but they still probably know the basics. The same likely applies to Battlestar (and other warship) crews who would have been on leave.


I haven't heard anything about warships other than Battlestars, but I would imagine that there would be, since 'BSG' stands for (IIRC) BattleStar Group. Which are probably analogous to modern day carrier strike groups, possessing destroyers, frigates, cruisers, and possibly even the odd battlewagon. Unless they're actually using groups of Battlestars for their task forces. But that would be kinda silly, since there's no reason to deploy a Battlestar to do what a destroyer can, with fewer resources.

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"oh... we don't have a second unit... so its hard to shoot action scenes..."


WTF? Most of the action sequences are CG anyway! Why the hell would you need a camera for those?


Where were the MN-23s? All I see are P90s, Five-seveNs, UMPs, G36s, CX4s, and that weird pistol that looks like a holdover from the '79 series.

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WTF? Most of the action sequences are CG anyway! Why the hell would you need a camera for those?

It's what dude said in a pod cast... don't ask me... I would guess for actor/cockpit shots and fill in stuff for gun fights.


Where were the MN-23s? All I see are P90s, Five-seveNs, UMPs, G36s, CX4s, and that weird pistol that looks like a holdover from the '79 series.


In the mini series their were several MN-23's.... and did you mean this funky pistol?


via IMDB

Some of the small arms in the miniseries are actually famous anime weapons, such as the Seburo MN-23 (from Masamune Shirow's Dominion Conflict) which were used by Galactica's boarding party at Ragnar Station.
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Fans might be amused to know that there's a book out now titled So Say We All: An Unauthorized Collection of Thoughts and Opinions on Battlestar Galactica, edited by Robert Hatch. It has twenty essays concerning the series and mini-series, and most of the ones that I've read have been well written and thought out - including an original BSG fanboi who hated the new one right up until he saw the premiere of '33'.

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Wow, part 2 of Exodus (S3 E4) was beautiful.


Minimal Spoiler!!!!!!!!













Seeing the BSG free fall like that. I thought they were going to hover over the planet or something not do that.

I think that was the BEST BSG Episode I've ever seen. Season 2 wasn't that good, (Maby the first Cain episode) and Season one had some good ones but none of them compared to that one.

Well, none of them compared to that ONE SCENE!!!

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