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hah, Tyrol is part of flight deck crew, but his team also works on the rest of the ship.


If you want to think I'm a fanboy, fine, could care less. After each weeks episode I'm more concerned with story, characters, how they constructed each scene (I have a degree in film so I kinda am interested), I could honestly care less how the ship moves, or folds space, or whatever, as long as it moves it's cool. I don't need to know how it does it.

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Ladies (i'm looking at you florian, I kid I kid!), gentlemen, boys and girls. Just crack open a beer on a friday night, enjoy the show, check your nerd cards at the door and have fun. That's what I've been saying. It's not a tech manual to parse, it's a friggin AWESOME SHOW, read into the characters and story, leave the tech for some half bit author to try to figure out in some *suitcasey* spin off novel.


On a sidenote, BSG really needs to be broadcast in HD. They show season 2 repeats on Universal HD, but by god man, this show looks badass in 1080i.

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Personally, I'm glad they don't take the time to explain the "science" of the show - just my humble opinion, but the fact that the characters in the show completely seem to accept the world they live in, and the technology behind everything, to me, really helps the immersion.


There's so much in our everyday life that a geek from 60 years ago would love to know how it would work, but tell me honestly, how many times in your daily life does it come up where you need to explain to someone how your TV remote works, or a car's engine works? We all just accept it because we live with it.


I really can't think of a reason, in a smart well written drama like BSG, how a character would have an excuse to need to explain the FTL drive to someone...


Oh, and I am a fanboy - *shameless fanboy* hardcore. This show is the greatest show ever.

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  • 2 months later...
*beep*! Missed it.


What *fruitcage* moronic *fruitcage* decided it would be a good idea to move BSG to Sunday? I miss it every single damn time.

That's what the internet is for ;)

That said, I still haven't watched this show... I keep telling myself I would, but it just kept getting pushed out of the way.

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*beep*! Missed it.


What *fruitcage* moronic *fruitcage* decided it would be a good idea to move BSG to Sunday? I miss it every single damn time.


I think it was a stupid move, but not because I miss it. More because it seems to make the week go faster (and thus, BSG rolls around again sooner) when it's on Friday than when it's on Sunday.

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I hate to say it, I'm one of the biggest fans of BSG on these forums, but that episode umm...sucked.


That was like they tried to out-LOST that show Lost, by making the story telling equivalent of blue balls. Thanks Ronald D. Moore, you jerked us around for months that Ep 3.16 was going to be huge, and instead you dispatch starbuck over the course of 44 minutes of mind numbingly boring character introspection.


I really hate to say this, but until proven otherwise, Exodus Part 2 was the "jump the shark" moment. It's all downhill from here, baby.

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Like I said. It was the suck. Honestly. Some destiny she had. At least when Spock died it meant something, other than the loss of a beloved character.


And I've been saying that Exodus, Pt. II was a pretty bad thing since I saw it. As I recall, most folk disagreed with me. Including you, Titleist (although my memory might be off). I wouldn't say that it was jump-the-shark bad... but I'm pretty sure that we'll see jump-the-shark bad immediately after Baltar's trial, if not immediately before or during.

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Wait, you saying that Exodus Pt II was bad? Because jumping the shark refers to the highest point in a show where it's as good as it's ever going to get. Exodus Pt II's New Caprica rescue was friggin balls to the walls awesome, so not sure why you disagree. The problem for me is that the show hit that episode on all cylinders but since then it's been limping along. Basically it blew it's wad and now it's just kinda sulking around.


I can't see one reason why that episode wasn't good. not sure why you disagree.


Not sure if the Spock analogy works since they brought him back in the next movie. I was hoping more for something like Ellen's death, which meant something because they didn't do one of those "you just got PUNKED!" moments by bringing her back as a Cylon, she was dead, dead as a doornail, and it completely destroyed Tigh (an event which happened in Exodus Pt 2 I might add). Anyways, this ep wouldn't have been as bad if RDM and company hadn't of hyped it up.

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I say it sucked because it was too cavalry-to-the-rescue-tastic. The Galactica shows up just in the nick of time. The Pegasus shows up just in the nick of time (and then proceeds to destroy three of the four Basestars in rapid succession. Awesome, yes. Tacky, very yes). I think they could have and should have done a lot more with the New Caprica storyline. Coming from the season finale of Season Two, where they've just landed on New Caprica was a bit much and a little fast (and yes, I'm aware of the Resistance webisodes). The Season Two finale was the high point. Exodus II was the jumping-the-shark point. Cool, yes, but it seemed pre-mature and, as I said, cavalry to the rescue. The cavalry is supposed to be late. Not on time (Pegasus) and certainly not early (Galactica).


As for the Spock comparison, when he died, he was supposed to stay dead. In fact, Leonard Nemoy wouldn't do it if they didn't kill Spock. But he died to save the Enterprise and her crew from being broken down and re-combined into Genesis. What did Starbuck die for? Introspection on how frakked up her mother was as a parent? Halucinations involving a phantom Raider and a creepy Cylon stalker? She died for nothing. She practically committed suicide because she was afraid of death. What the frak!?


Anyhue. It's late, I'm tired, and that episode seriously sucked (although, I think that most of the Season Three episodes have sucked, excepting The Passage, The Eye of Jupiter, and Rapture).


EDIT: I suppose a better comparison would be with Kat. Kinda funny how both Spock and Kat died of radiation poisoning to save wayward ships....

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Hmm, different strokes, obviously within the context of good story telling there are major contrivances that do have to happen. *beep* watch 24 and tell me that's not the most contrived BS this side of television. I lived in LA for a year, getting from one side of LA to the next takes hours, not 10 minutes.


I'll stand by Exodus Pt2 as a great episode, again I respect why you feel otherwise. I'm hoping they pay off the death of Kara in some smart way, she's contracted to Season 5, so she better wake up in a vat of goo (on a resurrection ship, pervs!).


I understand them trying to balance the military with the mysticism on the show, but it just felt like Kara being a whiny *badgeress* and then dying. Ellen died because she did awful things to save her husband, and because of that paid the ultimate price, dying by the hands of the one person she was trying to save. Starbuck goes mentally retarded in the atmosphere and plunges straight down into a technicolor hurricane, screw that. I can deal with boxing episodes, flashback episodes, love quadrangle episodes, but episodes that sacrifice a good character for nothing annoy the hell out of me.


I haven't been as annoyed since Billy caught a bullet in the chest AFTER getting dumped by the girl of his dreams only to see her go off with Apollo. They've done everything possible this season to make the viewer HATE starbuck, so why should we care when she dies not doing something vaguely important?!

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I didn't hate Starbuck. Except for the episode when she got chummy-chummy with Saul and helped him spread discontent among the Galactica's crew. I hated her for that one episode... but other than that she's been a fine gal, I think.


I also agree with Billy catching a bullet... I haven't seen that episode, yet, though. My copies of BSG are with my sister in MN and I won't get them back until after Spring Break. :(


In any case, I think it will be interesting to see if Billy is one of the Final Five. Or if Kara is... which is the only thing that would make sense to me at this point.

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Its strange but I find myself in complete agreement with Titleist. After exidous pt II the season has been one "wtf was that" after the other. I think the only episodes of merit were the ones with Helo and Athena, everything else; like turning Baltar into some kind Carl Marx/Hitler/Che Guevara working class hero was completely unbelievable.


Yeah, and like Jagdraben said; some kind of great destiny. <_< Otherwise, you know what will happen. Either she's one of the final five, or that heavy raider that shot up her Viper picked her up after she "ejected at the last minute".

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It's not that BSG has become bad, it's that it really isn't living up to it's potential this season, even when it's not great it's still a good show. That said, season 2 had some fairly bad episodes, Black Market being absolutely horrible, even RDM admits that one.


And I understand that the show can't always be space combat week to week, that the show has to change directions, but come on...


They've made me really hate starbuck, so why should I care when she 'splodes up. Helo has turned into this emotional *beep* (thanks for not saving the human race, douche!), and for gods' sake how silly was it how Apollo dropped nearly 100 pounds in a few months. TRIM SPA BABY!!!


Liquid, I agree, either she is one of the final five or she was saved by the raider. I'm thinking it's the raider, which is lame!

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I actually thought the episode was alright... the aerial shots were awesome, and I thought it was fairly well done. Saying that, though, I'm not a huge fan of the whole "Starbuck destiny/prophet" idea, but I was actually quite moved when her Viper exploded and Apollo started screaming.

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like turning Baltar into some kind Carl Marx/Hitler/Che Guevara working class hero was completely unbelievable. 


I concur. But I don't think he's really a working class hero-type. I think it's just that some people who happen to be working class and don't get along with the government have decided to start quoting him... frankly, I'm surprised that there hasn't been more than one attempt on Baltar's life. Boomer didn't even make it to the brig, FFS.


And, honestly, Tom Zarek may be VP, but he's the only one who should be "the people's hero". I'd think he'd have Baltar knocked off just for trying to go after Zarek's people's champion pedistal.


They've made me really hate starbuck, so why should I care when she 'splodes up. Helo has turned into this emotional *beep* (thanks for not saving the human race, douche!), and for gods' sake how silly was it how Apollo dropped nearly 100 pounds in a few months. TRIM SPA BABY!!!


Not saving the human race? Don't you mean not wiping out the Cylons? Personally, I think he did the right thing. As for Apollo: Clearly he had lipsuction performed.

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Call me silly, but I think the ultimate 'jump the shark' moment for BSG would be to have Samuel L Jackson as a guest star:


"We got muthafrakkin' Vipers on this muthafrakkin' Battlestar!"






Well, I tried.



No way dude, the ultimate jump the shark is if Don Johnson and Phillip Michael Thomas showed up and Edward James Olmos got in a Raptop and solved crimes. New Caprica Vice!


Outer space flamingos for teh win.



I want Danny Glover to be a raptor pilot..."I'm getting too old for this shi t...."

I can't see how any of these ideas would be jumping the shark. Rescuing the show, yes.



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