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Browning 0.50cal By MadDog & Catman


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Well this project has been looming for a while now, but finally we have started it. We intend on making a 6mm gas operated browning 0.50cal machine gun, ground version. We know we could just buy one from pipers but that's no fun :)


So for anyone who dosent know what i'm talking about when i say browining 0.50cal hears a pic



And hears a snapshot of the 3D model I've roughed out.



As far as the workings go we are still working them out, we decided there is so much room inside the gun we will not be pushed for space, and therefore thought we would start to build the shell before we finish the design. basicly we will wing it :)


We have actually started building this, I think Catman has some pics so hopefully he will load them up soon for you all to see.

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I have a friend who is already halfway through making one himself.


Great to see others making one too - but to save you some hassle:


1) Use the CA 249 gearbox - It's strong and uses 8mm bearings as stock for a great RoF. Best thing is, CA now sell it seperately with almost all the internals included.

2) Use the CA 249 hopup unit - it feeds from the side and is also available for sale.


Hope your project turns out well!

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I have a friend who is already halfway through making one himself.


Great to see others making one too - but to save you some hassle:


1) Use the CA 249 gearbox - It's strong and uses 8mm bearings as stock for a great RoF. Best thing is, CA now sell it seperately with almost all the internals included.

2) Use the CA 249 hopup unit - it feeds from the side and is also available for sale.


Hope your project turns out well!


he said gas powered

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Well we were going to use a P90 gearbox in it originally but Maddog watched a video where the barrel recoiled on every shot and I whinged that you really really really need the noise and recoil :P


Here's some photos from the build:


We're cutting it all out of a 3mm steel sheet... which has more rust on it than the titanic


Day One - Saturday, 10th March

Some of the guideline plans:



Maddog finishes cutting out the first plate and people wonder why he's called Maddog :P



I sand off some of the rust...need a bigger sander, lol



The plate needs bending so Maddog applies some precision engineering techniques :P



Hammering it home:



Prepping to cut one of the side panels:



Cutting, angle grinder funness:



After cutting out some of the tricky bits Maddog cleans up the cuts:



I then sanded off the worst of the rust. We're going to clean & treat the metal afterwards so the rust isn't a problem ;)


More later!

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Are you sure Gas is a good idea? Personally I think it would discourage the kind of firing you'd want from a .50cal because it's going to be expensive to run as it's fully automatic with a big magazine and having looked into the gun myself I'd have said blowback is going to be very difficult to achieve imho. - The bolt on a .50 isn't fixed to the charging handle - rather like an M16 charging handle isn't. And to achieve recoil on something made from 3mm steel is going to need an awful lot of gas...


Sorry to rain on your parade like that, i'm not all negative i promise i commend you for giving the project a go - I tried myself as Graham knows but was slightly overwhelmed by the technicalities of the real thing's body work and gave it up being pushed for enough free time I just personally think a gearbox is a better idea all round but that's just my $0.02 - easier to maintain too



Cheers, Rob


p.s. drop me a PM for a PSG1 inner barrel if you want one for it :)

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Quick suggestion, if you went with the gearbox solution, couldn't you make a mechanical blowback, to drive the charging handle thing (can't remember the name).

It could be a small motor driving a disk with the bar attached to a pivot (also can't remeber the name of this system, could be a cam type??) this would reciprocate the handle backwards and forwards.



loving the work so far guys, keep it up,



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Well we worked out how to do a rather efficient air/gas system with a pneumatic piston - it's actually quite simple (we'll tell you the secrets of it later on in the thread when we start putting it together :P) but it'll give us everything we'll need. We have the luxury of being able to use CO2/HPA/propane in it which will most likely stored in the ammo box at the side. We'll get the majority of the exterior done first.


Check out this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytlxxGSmdxw the charging handle doesn't move with the bolt and watch how the barrel recoils as it fires. We're going to try getting the whole barrel to reciprocate as it fires just like in the vid.


If you check out the Piper .50 that fires 8mm BBs (we're going for 6mm) it's too tame imo: click to download the vid

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... and I whinged that you really really really need the noise and recoil


To marmite:

Using an elecric version wouldn't get the same recoil effect, and certainly not the noise. Imagine...you just built it, you pull the trigger and whee whee whee whee whee whee.


Gas sounds like it would get a more satisfactory result.

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were'nt pipers making one?

You just went straight for the pics didn't you?! :P Maddog mentioned it in his first sentence and I link to one of the videos of it in my second post :P:D



Tomorrow Maddog and I will be doing a bit more work on it and getting the most of the internal designed finished. With what we've got lined up atm the recoil should be impressive to say the least.

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It would take a huge amount of power to get a heavy steel barrel reciprocating. Are you planning to have the whole lot moving? Or are you going to have the inner part (of the outer barrel) made from steel, and then have a plastic or aluminium sleeve over it, and just made the sleeve reciprocate? No one would know the difference.



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Very cool project, and judging by the materials and the 'precision' craftmanship, this thing should look the part no problem.


As for the barrel blowback--extremely ambitious if you rely on gas alone...


...what about some sort of electromagnetic servo, like a car door lock mechanism? Servos are fairly simple to opperate, and have a surprising amount of power. Synching it up with the gas firing would be difficult, but not impossible if you made the servo itself part of the firing process, and the M2's telltale THUD THUD THUD ROF shouldn't pose too much of a challenge in that respect.


Or, isolate the recoil mechanism from the gas mechanism entirely, and be content to have recoil that isn't quite in synch with the firing.


A GBB barrel will be extremely gas-intensive, but if you are cleverer men then I am, I am sure you could get it to work with enough tweaking.


Good luck on this ambitious project--you already have a great start!



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hey mate , glad to see im not the only one made my fifty last year for mounting to an apc, mines electric though just wanted it reliable and simple. made mine out of 5mm so you chose the right steel coz mine weighs a bloody ton, its mounted on a real tank mount which dont help the weight either, box mag houses the battery feed drive and hopper which holds ? put a bag in and its quarter full so lots.

got a pic of it on the homemade stuff pic thread.

nice by the way, like the gas option should be very impressive, as for barrel recoil id go for a reciprocating drive operating off a gun motor, you dont need huge amounts of recoil movement but you could wire it to kick in as each bb is fired, maybe some sort of micro switch operated by the gas pressure. lookforward to seeing more pics, nice one guys.

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Okay, I have been working some things out over my lunch hour at work. The system we are thinking of making will be a homemade pneumatic cycling system, which will use the exhaust gases from the cycling piston to propel the projectile, thus making it very efficient. We are currently trying to decide with of the two pistions we have to use, as one has 10 times to volume of the other. I have calculated the pressure required to be around 1Bar to 1.7Bar (depending which of the two pistons we use), sounds a bit low so I will do some experiments with the PSG1 barrel we will be using.


If we use the mig welding gas cylinder I was thinking of using it should supply us with enough juice for 2,300Rnds using the large piston, or 20,000Rnds using the small one. The large piston will deliver 70N / 7.09Kgf with a 100mm stoke, or the smaller one 30N / 3.06Kgf with a 40mm stroke.


So I think it’s going to be a case of testing some out and finding out how much recoil the small piston will give us, if that’s not enough, we will use the big one.


Below is a link to my calculations, don’t be surprised If you spot a mistake as I’m a but rusty on them :)



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