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Camera, screen and GPS on EB


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It doesn't seem to be a complete system.


The fact that they say it requires a netbook to operate seems to suggest there's just an eyepiece to relay images from the netbook and, hopefully, some software too.

You'd definitely need a bluetooth GPS dongle and you'd almost certainly need either a bluetooth internet connection from your mobile phone or a USB internet dongle.

Not too sure what the other boxes are.

It might be that they're just dummy cases for the GPS dongle and/or a battery box.


The LW system makes use of a rather clever system of transmitters which lets a team know where every member is.

I dunno if this thing has a similar facility but I doubt it. If it does have such a system I doubt it's legal to use due to the power of radio transmission you'd need.


I'd be interested to hear exactly what features this system does have and how it all works out.

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Unless it just uses a GPS transmitter, to be honest this just looks like the iPhone GPS function with a HUD. It'll be expensive and fairly pointless unless you have a very tight team with a well practiced commander. A bit like the whole airsoft UAV thing, I imagine the tech exists and it can be done for a bit of cash, it's just it won't be that useful in practice.

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At first i thought it would be some sort of dummy model or at best a camera and a small screen, but didnt think it would be working to this degree....well if it works ;)


Will be interested to see how it turns out and how much it would cost






Also in before people complying about new technology because its too complex or not worth it etc etc.....

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hey, we do this for fun, what is wrong with having a fun little gadget. Heck most garmin GPS systems are able to track other GPS users via radio triangulation, similar to a cheap RTK GPS.


I have some iphone apps that could use a decent hud it could be fun for that.

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So after this, next thing in airsoft will be air dropped supplies ?



Had that at a large game once, someone owned a Huey and dropped off "medical supplies" for an OP. Was pretty cool, but for insurance reasons he couldn't land on the field, just pushed them out the door about 10 ft up, with everyone a good deal away.

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What'd be really nice would be some kind of system that allowed a "commander" to beam stuff to a squad leader via a laptop and an interweb connection.


That way a site operator could send two teams into a game totally "blind" and then add objectives via tactical updates.

Course, there's nothing there that requires a LW style system. A laptop with radio internet connection and a guy on each team with a PDA or iPhone would work just as well.


I've always said that games should be controlled by using a squad leader who has a radio link to a "commander" who's actually the site owner sending suitable instructions to both teams.

A technical advance whereby teams receive emails including stuff like map references, overhead images, written instructions and pictures of enemy VIPs would be great fun IMO.


All very do-able too.


Without a LW system, of course. :unsure:

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it sounds cool, but it feels un necessary to have the full thing. a bunch of PDAs and smart phones would do it as said before.


it would be cool to be in an op conducted that way, but not alot of people carry smart devices like that or can afford them. hell, only recently have i gotten a device like that.


id imagin it comes with software. but everyone still needs a device you can put the data on and a mobile internet connection. and then, they have to be willing to take all that tech onto the field.



but, being a tech geek, i really want to do it.

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So, is there an iPhone or WinMo app that lets you track the GPS coordinates of a group of friends? If there was, then it would be cool. I have a WinMo phone with GPS (Samsung Omnia). It would be neat if I could just pull it out and coordinate my assault on it and the traditional radio.


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So, is there an iPhone or WinMo app that lets you track the GPS coordinates of a group of friends? If there was, then it would be cool. I have a WinMo phone with GPS (Samsung Omnia). It would be neat if I could just pull it out and coordinate my assault on it and the traditional radio.


I have already said it.. Google Latitue, It works with Google Maps to show location information.

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With all these gadget talk, wouldn't it be awesome if our airsoft fields offered Wifi ?


mine would be awesome if it offered running water and toilet facilities :D


wifi? cant even get a phone signal where i play...


edit: beaten to it...

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Just to clarify, mobile internet is not wifi.


Yes, wifi would be ideal but you should be able to receive a mobile internet signal wherever you can get a mobile phone signal.

The problem, obviously, is that you pay summat like £3 per mb for a mobile internet connection.

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Just to clarify, mobile internet is not wifi.


i know, i was implying that my site has primitive facilities, in en extremely rural location. there is next to no chance of getting wifi transmitter thingies installed anytime soon, as my club is spending money on other things :)


i understand this is not the same for everyone though!

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Just to clarify, mobile internet is not wifi.


Yes, wifi would be ideal but you should be able to receive a mobile internet signal wherever you can get a mobile phone signal.

The problem, obviously, is that you pay summat like £3 per mb for a mobile internet connection.

thats unfortunate for you. in the US, its 1.99 per MB. although, i have a plan that lets given me infinite use for no extra charges.


also, cell coverage in the US is a lot better than any other large country.

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also, cell coverage in the US is a lot better than any other large country.

Kinda reminded me of something....


I was working in the jungle in Burma and we needed to call in a helicopter to collect us.

"How'd we radio for our ride?" I asked one of the French guys I was with.

He whips out his mobile and phones the office in Yangon to call for the helicopter.

Hmmm. Very tacticool. <_<


I think the problem is often a lot to do with the terrain.

You can have one phone mast miles away and, as long as the terrain is quite flat, you will be fine.

Conversely, you can have a bundle of masts all around but in hilly terrain you'll be shielded from a signal.


I guess this is a bit of a double-whammy in airsoft because most of our skirmish sites will be in hilly ground.

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But we can have finally real use of this UAV thing as well here. Just put some router on it and as long as all team members are with in its range you can have wifi between them. :)


Other thing is to make it strong enough to fly above that hills and keep you in thought with mobile internet... :D

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