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Oh dear gawd... why oh why did I just buy a Classic Army MP5 this week! I should have waited for the A&K PTW clone :(

If their newest gun (the M60E4) is any indication of their current quality level than the PTW clone should be brilliant. I wonder what the price point will be?

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Nice, I'm liking the CQB Masada, i wonder how much fanboys are dropping Magpul an email about now :P


"Oh, hey guys, uhm, just FYI, A&K beat you at your own game. Again. Kthxbye!"






Edit: Also, it makes me wonder if this is the "big news" about the Masada that Paul from eBB was talking about.

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PTS ACR = all clones nuff said

Here. Consider it fixed. PTS will probably buy the whole supply, slap a $150 markup and flog it to geardos.


And yeah, where's the M60? Everyone would love the good ol' piggy, though not everyone would want to use it ;).

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the guys over at PTS must be ###### themselves


PTS ACR = all clones nuff said


Here. Consider it fixed. PTS will probably buy the whole supply, slap a $150 markup and flog it to geardos.


Oh no, you hear what I hear?


It's the PTS paid moles coming to say how great PTS stuff is, and how not overpriced they are. How hard it is for them to be PTS, and how much money they lose to illegal copying. 


Mega12 - LOL, you think there is a PTS ACR, you crack me up...


Mike West- finally a sensible person, who doesn't have Magpul fanism stuck up their *albartroth*.

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The sniper varient is WAY to close to looking just like a G36k with a sniper stock...which you can pick up for much cheapness already...in fact, isn't there a G36 clone on the market with a built in M4 magwell already? Just add $30 for a nifty replacement stock and you've got something 90% the same.


Pity that...was looking for the M60 myself...guess I'm back to just saving for an RPK kit instead.

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Mike West- finally a sensible person, who doesn't have Magpul fanism stuck up their *albartroth*.

Not like Magpul is wrong to take action here, but if they actually RELEASED their version, instead of setting up an assload of hurdles for the Chinese to jump over, maybe I'd respect them more. There's a difference between making money by selling your product and making money by blocking someone from selling "knockoffs" of "your product" that DOESN'T EVEN EXIST.

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