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  • Arnie

    Forum updates, feedback system and new versions

    By Arnie

    Firstly I'm going to try to document forum updates and other work completed to the site here in my forum blog. This will keep all the forum related updates in one place.   I've completed several updates to the forums today. We're now running the latest IPS versions for Gallery and Blog. There should be several bug fixes and feature adjustments with these new versions; I don't get a list I'm afraid or I'd publish it.   I've also taken comments on the trading system on board and we now have a


This is a blog on boneyard or broken airsoft guns. Here you can get help for problems with your gun, or sell a gun if you don't want to fix it. Thanks for looking!



3 Years and No Post (I Blame Royal Mail)

Well what has happened i 3 years.   Sod it list it all and get the easy way out:   Have met and broken up with 6 girls. Have now owned 45 pistols at some point and have had about 20 AEGs to date. About to finish college in Technical Support.   That and the fact i am top bloody poster on this forum is really worrying me, but also i feel good.   At to that i know pistol shoot in all enviroments and have lost weight because of it i am well.   As for the spam and porn emails i still get



The Dog House not such a bad place?

To all of us who spend time their.   Chances are that any airsofter with a better half not into the sport has like me enjoyed prelonged periords "in the dog house" and this is leading me to beleive that with the right out look it ant so bad. dont get me wrong i love my wife more than life itself and would do anything for her, but we dont see eye to eye all the time and some time theirs something to be said for a little disagrement and the makeing up after!!!.but back to the dog house the few



Who I Is

Since I've found that only doing videos when I'm home at the weekend/on leave is rather limiting from now on I'll be making them here in the barrack block since this is now where all my new stuff is going to pitch up. Having been here just over 2 months now the first few orders of guns and equipment have been flowing through the mail room here on camp, and after the 2 years of having to send it all home and not get my hands on it for months it's really been a great relief, and to be honest I fe



So, Chinese New Year.

We all know how rabbits are. Breeding like mad. Let's hope that upcoming Year of the Metal Rabbit (starting this Thursday) means that we'll finally have some new airsoft guns from at least China, if not Taiwan as well. Last three years had their share of ups and downs, mostly downs (2008 Olympics, then 60th Anniversary of CPC, then Pan-Asian games) and only recently some new stuff appeared - the clone of Maruzen PPK, Bell's and Tercel's Broomhandles and Snow Wolf Barrett M99. Let's see what's al



Love the Airsoft Perk project

Here's my Tag line [Eng & Demo] [Stealthy 45 min GRC] [Bloody BB-throat] [Weaponsmith] [BB magnet- 16] [Cheap bastid] [Pack rat] [Dedicated] [Wile E. Coyote] [Humpty Dumpty] [Geardo] [Brainiac- Each team mbr gets one med heal per round, while awaiting heal from teammate wounded player yells MEDIC & yells intel on what he sees (must yell, no radios). Only way to silence him is opposing force approaches and simulates knife kill = no med] [Tourette syndrome sufferer] [Die hard] [Quartermas



Shiny Hi-Def is shiny

In preparation for the batch of videos I'm editing up right now, and as some practice at YouTube embedding, here's my first 2 bits of work using the Samsung HMX-R10, shot at 720p and 50 frames per second, slo-mo bits beign slowed by a factor of 4. I'm pretty damn happy with the camera considering I picked it up brand new for £220 off ebay. If you can actually manage to find one in stock in the UK, it'll be more like £300-350. I did manage to put quite a substantial dent in the metal casing ov



Chasing Durability - G&P WOC GBBr's

Cursed GBBr's, they are Soooo unreliable! Of course, anyone that understands the system knows that this is a half truth. In stock form, it can be horrifyingly unreliable, frequent failure to fires, light striking, venting of magazines, spontaneous part failures and so on. As with AEG's there is this struggle between cost and performance and a choice between the thousands of parts out there to make a reliable GBBr. I hope to cover at least a few points of the most notable failures in the WA b



G&P's Western Arms Official Custom (WOC) Notes and Progress - 1/10/2011

As many involved in the Gas Blow Back world know, I own a G&P M16A4 WOC. Most notably, I own a WOC that is converted to run on High Pressure Air (HPA). I have received literally hundreds of PM's, questions, etc about the conversion and while I have to say I'm flattered, I'd just like to share that there is a lot of "school of hard knocks" progress that it took to get to this point. My loss, is of course your gain. So lets look at the base gun as it stands to this day:     [base] G&



Above *ALL* else: Personal preference

Since this is a subject within airsoft I feel extremely passionate about, I'd like to copy here a post I recently made in this thread:   http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=192859&view=findpost&p=2411576&hl=&fromsearch=1   After a few people were bashing certain platforms of airsoft weapon, and basically taking a "it's my way or the highway type view", which is something I despise in general but specifically in this hobby of mine, I decided to do a littl



Stuff. And things.

Favourite phrase of an old mate of mine when I was up at Lossiemouth. Sadly he's a civvie now, but he was a really fat bugger who despised fitness tests, so perhaps the military wasn't the best environment for him. 6 years of being in the raf while we were in Afghan and he never got deployed, that takes some skills; though perhaps it's more of an indicator of how randomly deployments come around, I've been out of training and eligible to go for over 2 years now, and despite repeated pleas to t



First purchases arrive!

Hello again,   My first build part has arrived, my G&P C8A1 Receiver. It's got a really nice feel, and the trademark are much more clearly cut than the stock lower. I've snapped a few pictures of the entire AEG in it's current "disassembled" state, and of the D.I.S. and C8 receiver. The next thing that I plan to pick up will probably be the CAR-15 stock, followed by a KAC RIS, as then it'll start to look more like a diemaco. Unfortunately however, when I was trying to take the Delta ring o



Videos, bloody everywhere

In a random bout of freak filming, after much blood, sweat and tears spilled over converting about a million different video formats in to something that's actually useful, I've ended up with a fair bit more stuff on my YouTube channel. No one's watching it, I'm not sure why, perhaps I should just cheat and put 'call of duty' in the tags, but I refuse to stoop to that dishonest level frankly. I like to think they're the sort of videos that folks on here would find interesting though, so here t



The beginning...

Well, I doubt anyone will read this, but I'd like to be able to track my progress, so here we go!   Having just purchased one of the new G&P 8mm M4s a few weeks ago, I decided it was time to "speshul forcez" it up a bit. There's quite a bit that I plan to do to it, and I'm going to need to pick up some new magazines and batteries as well, so this won't be cheap... my intial estimates place the final cost at about £900-950. Ouch. Then again, thats what a project is for!   I'm going to sw



Night time antics - part. 2 (child safe entry I promise)

As promised, after re-ripping the mini-DVD with a more reliable (and waaaaaay more slooooow) program and doing the editing, the second part of the lights/lasers video:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmPv92vIvQk&feature=feedlik   I did turn up the brightness, and the actual light being kicked out by the various devices is substantially brighter and more effective than the video shows, but that's the issue with recording at night without fancy gear.   On a separate note, kudos to TNT t



omgzorz cod nite vijuns

What this could really do with is forgetting linking to facebook, twitter and all that lark, I'd never put my Arnies status updates on facebook, that would be social suicide. A linked in stream of anything I upload to youtube though, that'd be handy. Since that doesn't yet exist however, here's some really dark grainy footage of me shining a couple of replica illuminating devices around at night, they looked a lot better than the camera picks up I promise.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yP



December purchases

After finally getting around to taking a photo of it all (and fighting the urge to rip it all out the packets and put it to use for a few days) here's another "*suitcase* I've bought recently" update:     As opposed to simply providing a list of the above items I'll be giving my reasoning for each purchase, as hopefully this will provide some insight in to my playing/kit/guns related habits and hopefully even trigger some productive thoughts and learning processes, for anyone that cares to



Christmas haulage

Being home for over a week, and having not only my own purchases but Christmas presents as well, I'm hoping to have lots of stuff to write about and take pictures/videos of. Although sadly the speed it gets dark in the evenings is proving a bit limiting but I shall do what I can. After recovering nicely from my chocolate/cider/roast meat festival yesterday I think I'll start off with a group shot of the Yuletide gifts:     List in order of interest to the average airsofter:   -SDS Super



I can do maths me

Copied this over from the 'Pistols' thread in general discussion, since it got a pretty positive reception I figured it's worth putting up for the folks that haven't been in to that thread, bit of an analysis of gear trends for some airsofters, in graphical format:     A. Starting off, AEG with hi-cap/couple of mid-cap mags, possibly a very basic rig. B. Continuing to purchase more guns and gear, MOLLE creates great potential for loading up more and more pouches with more and more junk, 20



I have more luck than brains, apparently

Considering that it's almost Christmas and the customs officers are very dickish this time of year, I was afraid that the gun would be stuck at customs, which would set me back almost Ł30. But, surprise surprise, the package went through customs without getting opened - they weren't even bothered by "Gift - TOYS - US 145" on the customs declaration sticker. So the Cow Buster is lying on my desk right now (sadly, without CO2 as I couldn't be arsed to stock up) and I can give you a quick introduct



Cobra Airsoft are swell chaps, after all

I scoured the webshops in search of the silver Wingun 703 and found three of them: UNCo, Armed Forces Co. and Cobra Airsoft. However, I subconsciously dislike UNCo, AFC's webshop is *fruitcage*ed (the "Proceed to checkout" button doesn't appear) and Cobra officially doesn't ship to Poland. So I got ###### off and some folks got angry letters, resulting in AFC and Cobra giving me offers. I went with Cobra, of course screwing up like a last dolt and sending them more money than needed, then asking



I now reside in englandshire

Woohoo, and other celebrations.   I have nothing against Scotland, it's a very pretty country with lots of things gong for it, and if I'd been living in a decent sized city like Inverness or Aberdeen I'd have not minded being there so much it must be said. However, my girlfriend lives in Eastbourne, my parents and brother live in Middlesex (where I go when I get a weeks' leave) and there isn't a SINGLE skirmish site to be found in all of Moray/Aberdeenshire (where my previous posting of Lossi



Getting guns from totally unexpected places

My habits... well, they die hard. Once I get used to a certain webshop, I stick around. I don't mind the negative comments, I may drop a couple myself (but at least they're not as vitriolic), let's just say that with long-time service I get used to what those folks do and how to fix things if they go South. But sometimes, my usual suppliers simply don't have what I need (especially when it's some rare or odd item) and I have to take the plunge.   For instance, my Tanaka SAA. I planned to get i



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