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Status Updates posted by judgeman

  1. Picked up a Marushin Derringer for $40.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. renegadecow


      It's not a gun if it's just the brace.

    3. judgeman


      you sir have a PM

    4. hitmanNo2


      I found this an excellent resource for making a sleeve gun setup.

  2. Question to my UK brethren. If one was to ship a cut down ACM M500 to England (having a gent I met on the RPF forums do me up the externals for a Serbu build), what would I need to do to it to pass your draconic customs laws? Plug the barrel / paint the tip orange? Spray it a bright pink? What do.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. judgeman


      We will find out in 3-4 weeks it seems as thats what i'ma do.

    3. hitmanNo2


      With the right stuff, depending on what paint has been used and how long it was on there, fairly easy.

    4. judgeman


      Day glo orange krylon on mine. Grey primer and flat black Krylon when it gets back.


  3. I'm convinced that my goal in life is to make a Magpul pardoy entitled The Art of Tactical Beer Drinking.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. renegadecow


      Well, I have cut jeans shorts (with pockets peeking at the thighs) and a white suit jacket. I have still yet to skirmish in it as I need to grow a mullet first.

    3. PureSilver


      Growing a mullet for a skirmish is the kind of dedication that gets you on NSA watchlists - but then, who isn't these days?

    4. FireKnife


      I think I am closely surveyed to make sure I don't take over Aberdeen and flush the scum out of it :P.

  4. Got my hands on a dream purchase, a CAW HK69A1!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. renegadecow


      The whole thing felt like it was an assembled model kit, if that helps.

    3. judgeman


      Meh. I'm not worried. Tracked down an array of real 69A1 parts so I can do my usual hack job.


      May even have one of my crew make me a steel barrel.



      Pretty sure Smokeys made that early AG36


  5. Some assclown at work decided to cut my phone charger cord in a act of petty revenge. I hate people.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NonEx


      OK, fair enough. Douchebag stamp for the snipper-man :P


    3. renegadecow


      Heh, I have a friend who used to be a chef. Was surprised how much drama actually goes around in that kind of environment.

    4. judgeman


      It's like highschool in all the ways that made highschool suck.

  6. With the season coming up and all, if any of my friends across the pond could gift me a tall ginger chick with a northern accent, that would be great. Or, you know, Karen Gillan. That's a good alternative gift.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FireKnife


      Good then I will ship one to you later this afternoon, will just need £1000 for the shipping, bait and large net. ;)

    3. judgeman


      I have $200 American $.25 Canadian a spool of Paracord a copy of Jawbreaker and a large wooden Badger make it work.

    4. FireKnife


      Damn, I planned for a large wooden Hamster, wait I will make sure quick calculations and get back to you. You shall have your decent Northern English wench soon!!!

  7. Aquired - rs M14 Birch stock. Yes I know what i'm in for.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. renegadecow


      It would be easier to plant the bare M14 next to a seedling and have the tree grow around it becoming the stock.

    3. judgeman


      True. But I chose to go full retard instead.


      Nothing enjoyable is ever truly easy.

    4. TheFull9


      rc - You need to get that sapling planted now. Imagine the buzzfeed article in 20-30 years when you cut the tree down and literally mould the stock out of the wood that's grown around the barrel and receiver. "You won't believe the crazy way this guy built his gun!".

  8. Want to mount a RMR on a KJ Beretta M9A1. Anyone got any ideas as to how?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. judgeman


      was debating sanding down the rear sight

    3. NonEx


      Well considering how curved the top of a Beretta slide is if you stick an RMR on there it's just gonna look, well, stupid... :o


    4. hitmanNo2


      Some mount info in the comments here

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. renegadecow


      Well I must be doing something wrong because I neither have MLP tats or am swimming in poon. Maybe if I get a tat of poon...

    3. FireKnife


      Vagina tats FTW?!


      Now if only I could find and convince my lesbian friend to provide a pick of her tattoo with an arrow and the words 'girls only' (you know where) :D

    4. judgeman


      The future Mrs. Judegman understands my love for the Ponieses, But I would never get one etched on my flesh. Next one is a Fallout New Vegas tat anyway.

  9. I just joined the Glock master race. Oh god I feel so dirty saying that.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wild_XIII


      Adding a grip force beaver tail to my Glock has made it different to the other Glock's I've owned. Saying that, I do really fancy an M9A1. :P

    3. FireKnife


      Either way I find that for something things plain modern guns just work, but you can't beat the 1911 for getting a true fit to your hand with the right parts lol.

    4. White_Death1


      careful,don't say the g word or you will get your *albatross* sued.

      Nothing to see here,lawyers,he said 'sock'

  10. That sound you just heard? That's every prettyboy Doctor Who fangirl crying at once. God bless you UK. God bless you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -Clover-
    3. judgeman




    4. FireKnife


      Screw you all, Christopher Eccleston is the bomb, too bad he only did one series :P

  11. Just got out of emergency dental surgery. Feel like butts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Drake-


      I also like to feel butts. Wait I read that wrong D=

    3. Leon Kennedy

      Leon Kennedy

      At least it's not emergency butts surgery!

    4. judgeman


      My butt as of yet remains unscathed. I somehow had a tooth hidden behind another tooth up in my skull at a 45* angle and it was causing incredible excruciating pain.

  12. Wait. So you're telling me I can get a FULL METAL Jericho 941 pushing near 400 fps and it's CO2 and it's under 60 bucks? Ok 3 2 1 lets jam.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Habakure


      All you need now is a corgi.

    3. renegadecow
    4. judgeman


      I care not. True story: I owned a real one of these as my first handgun.

  13. Really want to do a AAC Honey Badger project, but i'm having trouble finding some parts for the right price. Would anybody have a VTAC Extreme BattleRail 7 or 11 inch railkit they'd be willing to trade or a black Magpul K grip? Help appreciated!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. judgeman


      I was eyeballing that one. Maybe. I was going to use the G&P Tank stock, but meh. It don't look right.

    3. renegadecow


      When in doubt, 3D print it. Or in my case, PVC the hell out of it.

    4. judgeman


      I wonder how hard one of those handguards would be to do by hand. I certainly don't want to pay over a hunny for a RIS kit for a airsoft gun. Life of a not-very-well-paid chef and all.

  14. The Quick and The Dead may just be one of my favorite movies ever.

  15. About to obtain my much coveted Tanaka SAA. I need to work on my quickdraw.

    1. renegadecow
    2. judgeman


      Among many other things, not including a bevy of rs internal parts, custom grips and the holster. God I love project guns.

    3. renegadecow


      It's a slippery slope. If you aren't careful next you'd be browsing for a matching saddle.

  16. Slowly but surely, I am building a Honey Badger.

    1. FireKnife


      As in genetically or the AAC thing?

    2. judgeman


      The ACC. Or close enough. Why? Because airsoft.

    3. judgeman


      I may or may not be growing them in a lab in the basement of my apartment building for future world-takeover reasons. More to follow....

  17. rather desperately searching for a Tanaka SAA if someone could hook me up.

    1. renegadecow


      Tokyo Model still has a bunch.

    2. kenxin


      Wasn't someone selling a heavily upgraded one on arnie's?

    3. steaktipz


      Pulse Japan has a ton of SAAs, although they are a bit expensive


  18. How do you know you've found the one? When she'd rather go to the premere of Kingsmen then 50 Shades of Grey.

    1. Skarclaw


      were u like "yeah honey we'll do 50 shades of grey in RL u get me"

    2. judgeman


      If you only knew and then I got subsequently banned for vulgarity. So maybe it's best you don't.

    3. judgeman


      I sent that *badgeress* a Judgeman. *badgeress* es love Judgeman.

  19. Father forgive me, for I have sinned. Today I digital pattern painted a AK.

  20. leather or kydex for my Hi Power? hmm..

    1. renegadecow


      Depends on the grips. Wood = leather, plastic = kydex

    2. hitmanNo2


      From an era of leather so that's my vote. Good enough for the SAS.

    3. Lone_Bullet


      Leather, man...

      Ethics, you know? ;)


  21. Building a minibar!

    1. Leshy


      Better spending the money on drink and the time Drinking!

    2. renegadecow


      Why am I thinking pistol caliber BAR?

    3. scorch


      RC, you are a sick genius.

  22. "I WANT TO PAY $500 FOR A KTW SHOTGUN" Said no one ever.

    1. PureSilver


      Watched the RedWolf video, did we?

    2. judgeman
    3. hawaiianjuggernaut


      Haha. I was like "$500?!" Ain't nobody got cash fo' dat.

  23. It would figure the final part I need for my "Honey Badger" build would be avalable for under $30 by some random-haggard chinese company after I botched it making the thing myself twice.

    1. hitmanNo2


      What part? Not the stock?

    2. judgeman


      the cheek rest. Friggin $20 and it's the exact one on the HB I swear to god.


    3. hitmanNo2
  24. Any Arnies bros on Steam? Add me @ Cult Of Pinkie Pie.

    1. aznriptide859




      Isn't there an Arnie's steam group?

    2. judgeman


      So it would seem. Get me an invite plz.

    3. PureSilver
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