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Things that are beginning to annoying me

Tom Andrews

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After tonight's episode, things that are begining to annoy me:


People who still do not take hits

People who camp in one place in a roaming game

People who think that because you hired out the site, you have to arrange for them to get lifts there and back, or supply refreshments out of your own pocket

People who complain about having to pay to go airsofting (I mean, COME ON!!!)

People who don't understand what "cease fire means" or think that if there has been a cease fire for more then 5 minutes, it is OK to start shooting again

People who vote to play one game and then moan because they are not playing another

People who don't vote at all and moan about what game is being played

People who say "yeah, I'm ready to go out" when they really mean "I'll wait before you tell us to go out before loading up and holding up the whole evening"

People who only say they are not coming airsofting when you ring them to find out why they haven't turned up

And many other things that were wrong, and have been wrong with every time I try and organise a night of airsoft for people.


That said, Elite Action Epsom is a great site and I recommend to all.


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Road users in general now...if you do something wrong, just face that it's your fault.

What REALLY frustrates me, is people that drive in the wrong lane at a roundabout, then try and take the exit you are driving towards (in the correct lane), and make out its your fault when clearly it's theirs!


Also, beggars that sit next to Cashpoints, and ask whilst you're getting money out, if you have any spare change. It's not so much annoying, its just downright rude, and very illegal...Feel free to sit elsewhere and do it, even though it's still illegal it's not causing any harm, but please, not next to cashpoints, especially when it is clear to see people often feel intimidated.

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1 taxi drivers. WShen I'm on the bike they all seem to drive like c***s who think they own the road. The trafic light has just turned red so stop. don't think "I'm within 50ft of the lights I've still got right of way." When I use a cab they allways take the longest route and get the *albartroth* when I ask why they didn't take the quicker short route. My remedy for this is, when I get to where I'm going I ask "do you want a tip?" and if the awnser is yes then I say "get a better job and don't try to rip people off" puts them in a right good mood for the day


2 Professional beggars. You know the ones I mean, they try to make out they're homeless but are wearing brand new jeans and trainers, freshly shaved and showered. When they ask if you have any change I find a simple respose of "yes thanks" goes down a treat.


3 People who moan about being overweight and do *fruitcage* all about it. just makes me want to shout "put down the burger and go for a *fruitcage* run"


4. People who thinks it's big and cleaver to be able to drink more than everyone else, I mean if they spend £40 to get as wasted as I do on £20 then who is the bigger (and poorer) mug?


5. What not to Wear and other such programmes. take one person with body image issues and basicly tell them and the nation the only way they can look good is by expensive treatments or surgery. I would like to see a 10 years later version where they show how body image dismorphia has set in



I could probably think of many more but I can't be arsed

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*ANY* and *ALL* "Reality" TV shows. I mean, come on, who watches this sh*t?


Mostly, it's nothing like reality anyway. Reality TV is the Discovery Channel. Not Big Brother - what's real about that? It's completely contrived, with carefully selected "inmates" and ludicrious "tasks" or whatever rubbish they're doing this year. Okay, the first one was different, I guess, but it's what, series 9 now?


And why is it on every goddamn radio station, in every newspaper, on the sodding *NEWS*?!? It's a TV show, and frankly, a ###### one at that!


When I turn on the TV, I want to get away from life, I want to be entertained, to escape. I want Sci-Fi, historical fiction, things you can't see or do in the real world, action, adventure, romance even (if there's time inbetween blowing stuff up).


I think that's enough of that.

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oh, and horse riders on the road. they're a bloody danger to everyone including themselves. a road populated with cars going 30+mph is not the place for an animal that you can only ask nicely to take you somewhere and hope it doesnt decide to do it's own thing. ride them off the road by all means, but keep them away from roads where they are obviously liable to get spooked and possibly cause a lot of harm.


And you don't pay road tax on a horse, the same goes for Cyclists. I pay road tax to use the road. not when traveling at 60mph on the way to work, do i want to have to slam on the brakes because a couple of fitness freaks, who think they are saving the planet by cycling to work, are riding 2 a breast.


I polute the atmosphere more by having to slow down, creating brake dust. when I eventually get past them, dump the clutch in second and rev the guts out of my 1.8l trying to make up the time I've just wasted.




And why can't these huge supermarkets have a one way system round the whole shop during busy periods. you know what happens, you bump into your boss or someone you can't stand coming in the opposite with their trolly. next asle they are there again and again , or even just someone who dumps their trolly and goes and collect thing ot worst still stand there compaing prices or sugar content aarrrhhh.

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I have been much happier in my life since I discovered that most people are frightened of any sort of confrontation.


When people walk slowly in front of me I push them out of the way.


Yeah, they couldn't possibly have a reason for walking slowly, say being disabled or a medical condition, so let's act like a bully and push everyone over!


Aren't you cool. :rolleyes:

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Getting pushed over in the street - it's starting to get me down, you know? I swear, the next guy that does that... ;)


Seriously though, assaulting people for walking slowly is a bad idea - don't do it kids!



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What gets me is that I work as a waiter on weddings and that automatically entitles the GUESTS of the bride and groom to look/talk down to me while I am the one serving/clearing their food and giving them more wine!


Also, yes Tesco's does have a lot of disabled spaces... that does not give you the right to park in it because you own a Ferrari!

All the other cars that DO have the blue badge at least managed to park IN the designated bay. You can't even manage that! Slung in at some angle over the cross hatching. You may not be disabled, but your parking is!

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Yeah, because that would encourage people to leave their cars at home and get a bike, wouldn't it? The insurance is a good idea, though. Bike insurance only seems to cover your bike being stolen, rather than any costs arising from a traffic collision or whatever.


Bikes should have to have a registration number, like motorbikes, that way cyclists breaking road traffic laws could be caught and fined or whatever. Having said that, given that I've seen police cars drive right parts cars driving without lights at midnight, making illegal turns, etc, etc, it probably wouldn't make any difference. They only seem bothered about speeding, because they can put up cameras to fine people for that and make money.


I'm worried that this thread is getting away from humour. And there's already a random rants thread in Off Topic.



We actually have something like that here in Davis, CA, the bike capital of the US (or something like that). You have to pay to get your bike registered, a measly one dollar, and it gets its own unique ID number. If you get caught doing something you shouldn't be doing on your bike, like biking while drunk, ignoring traffic laws, etc., you get a ticket just like you would a car ticket, and carries the same weight and price tag of a car ticket as well. If you don't get your bike registered and get caught, you get a hefty fine. And if you're using a bike that's not yours, because bike thefts happen all the time, if you don't have a proper reason then you're basically f*****.

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You know what annoys me most of all.


You Arnies


*fruitcage* You


Also, yes Tesco's does have a lot of disabled spaces... that does not give you the right to park in it because you own a Ferrari!

All the other cars that DO have the blue badge at least managed to park IN the designated bay. You can't even manage that! Slung in at some angle over the cross hatching. You may not be disabled, but your parking is!


Do you have a camera phone? Take a picture showing there is no disabled pass, take down the license plate, post it to the rozzers. Jobs a goodun.

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[quote name='i_is_oli'

Also, beggars that sit next to Cashpoints, and ask whilst you're getting money out, if you have any spare change.


One asked me 'Spare change?'


Me 'Yes please, how much?'


Him 'What?'


Me 'Yes, please, spare change, how much can you give me?


Him 'No, can you give me some?


Me 'Why then offer me yours?


Him 'You're doing my head in....'

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Yeah, they couldn't possibly have a reason for walking slowly, say being disabled or a medical condition, so let's act like a bully and push everyone over!


Aren't you cool. :rolleyes:



I know I'm not cool.

I am also not stupid, if the people being slow have a limp or non-standard gait I have [some compassion.

If the reason for them being slow is that they are dawdling or they are teenagers who can't move quickly because the haven't done up their damn shoelaces.

Then I will push past them.


I don't grab them and throw them into the traffic. I just shoulder past them.



Another thing that ###### me off. People who aren't an invalid in an invalid carriage.

A fat, lazy monster in an electric cart, getting fatter because they are too lazy to walk anywhere.

Don't belong on the road, don't belong on the pavement.


And the cheek of them, I walk fast, they scream up behind you on the pavement at 8 or 9 miles an hour and get on their horns.

That's moronic, what do you expect? You want me so start running?

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pidgeons are annoying me. i live in an area with lots of squirrels. i like squirrels. they look fuzzy and cute. i put buiscuits out in my garden and they come and munch them looking all cute like, then some fat s*** of a pidgeon looking as ugly as ever comes and scares them all away. if only i hadent sold my .177... if only...

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Sorry, stunt, but I've gotta call you.


So it's okay for you to barge past someone walking slower than you, for some reason, but not okay for someone moving faster than you to run your down with his electric thingybob?


By the way, I agree completely about the motorised contraptions, they're not road-legal, but also illegal to use on the pavement. In short, they're pointless, and shouldn't be sold. Being unable to walk properly doesn't mean you can drive an illegal vehicle around the place - or at least, it shouldn't. If you can't walk, you should be in a wheelchair. A self-powered wheelchair isn't the same as one of these mobility scooter things.

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And the cheek of them, I walk fast, they scream up behind you on the pavement at 8 or 9 miles an hour and get on their horns.

That's moronic, what do you expect? You want me so start running?


Which can so easily become...


"And the cheek of him, I walk steadily, he scream up behind me on the pavement at 4 or 5 miles an hour and shoulder barge me out of the way. That's moronic, what do you expect? You want me so start speed walking?"


Seriously, there's no excuse for assault mate. Also, how can you tell whether the rider of an invalid carriage is an invalid or not? Is there a sign I should be looking out for?

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I didn't say it was rational.


I just said it gets on my nerves.

The old lady who lived across from me died, she had no relatives and no will so the council got her house.

They turned it into 4 flats and shoved 20 scrounging scumbags in there. All they do is breed, take drugs and have loud arguments with the 14 year old mothers of their 30 kids.


I want to nail the doors shut and burn the house down.


I guess I just don't like people very much.

And I'm in a bad mood.



And the people in ASDA have moved some of the things I buy again, I hate that too.


Hot water burn baby, 246 tooth picks, definitely 246.

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It's simple and obvious. If you can't find what you're looking for, you wander around the shop, and will thus be exposed to more of their products, "special offers" and advertising, making you more likely to buy something you don't really want or need.


But it is bloody annoying, I agree.

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Wimbledon - two weeks when people in the UK pretend to give a ###### about Tennis.


There are sports channels now. Can't we keep the sport to them, and leave the "normal" channels for alternatives to sports, for those of us who don't give a *beep*? Put something else on, like a good film, or a decent comedy series or something. Anything that's not "reality TV" or a sport.


Unless they're going to start televising airsoft games. That I would watch.

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