Tom Andrews Posted June 13, 2008 Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 People who stop to chat in doorways or entrances to shops and supermarkets. People who walk into a supermarket entrance and stop and stare. Why, haven't they ever seen electric lights? The idiots who walk down the shop aisles pushing their trolley sideways - why, didn't they notice the handles at one end? Whole families who seem to treat the trip to the supermarket as their family outing, blocking aisles, getting in they way and having endless arguments about what slop they are going to consume that night. Poor road signs. Why aren't councils consistant with directions? The number of times a destination I'm heading for disappears from subsequent road signs as I get nearer to the town. Or following signs in the country inevitably lead you to a T junction where the town you were heading for, again has disappeared from both of the opposite pointing road signs (if there are any at all....) Having roads signs stating 'Town Centre' but omitting to state which town.......... When developers build on corner plots they should be made by law to reinstate the road names on posts or the building. Failure to replace the signs should mean the MD can be put against a wall and shot. People who park their cars across two parking bays, or who park so close to my drivers door I have to enter via the passenger door. Or the cretin who after I had parked in the furthest reaches of a carpark away from anyone, with my new car, decided to park their rusty tin box along side and open their door so hard it left a crease and a scrape in my paintwork.... People in our local park who are too bone idle to walk about six foot and dump their rubbish in a bin, prefering to leave it strewn across the grass where they sat. Finally airsofters who turn up at our site with every bit of gear known to mankind, but then ask to 'borrow' a face mask, then complain because its too small/big/tight/loose. Don't be so cheap, buy your own! Link to post Share on other sites
ianhaz Posted June 13, 2008 Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 Agreed on all counts, gave me a good laugh too Link to post Share on other sites
Munitions Man Posted June 13, 2008 Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 Second one is sooooooo true! Hilarious. Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLite Posted June 13, 2008 Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 When I become Emperor, anyone found walking at less than 2 miles an hour in a public area will be executed, immediately. ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO LOVE TO WALK IN ROWS AND BLOCK EEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERYONE ELSE. Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Andrews Posted June 13, 2008 Author Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 And there was me thinking it was a purely British problem. Looks like they breed in all countries. Link to post Share on other sites
screamin_weasel Posted June 13, 2008 Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 i unfortunately work in a supermarket, and i'll tell you now you are right on about the supermarket stuff. another one is the people who leave their trollies somewhere to go and get something else miles away. its just annoying. and people that expect you to get out of their way, and dont say thanks, doesnt take much to say cheers to people. bastards. Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Andrews Posted June 13, 2008 Author Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 Oooh, oooh! And those who get in the queue, get to the checkout, then realise they have forgotten something, leave and return five minutes later with an armful of items, whilst you are fumings silently at their lack of organisation. I 'lost' it once with some old biddy. She wandered in the middle of the aisle with her trolley at an angle so no one could pass, then would stop, pause but leave the trolley to continue blocking the aisle. I tangled with her several times, in the end, when she pushed the trolley once more in front of me and veered off, I took the trolley and pushed it several aisles along and back and left it...................... Link to post Share on other sites
Delfi Posted June 13, 2008 Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 I encounter a major source of hassle every day. I commute to work by train and those bloody bags that people drag along by a telescoping handle are a source of no end of grief. Why is it so difficult for people to understand that it's a dumbass thing to stop dead: a) at the top of an escalator just outside a ticket barrier c) having just got off a train in order to telescope their handles ... I'm becoming increasingly tempted just to boot them out of the way. ALSO the same idiots don't seem to realise that whilst they're dragging their Satan-made contraptions that they extend some distance behind them and inevitable end up colliding with other commuters. I've developed a technique which, with increasingly good timing on my part, can tip the damned things over in mid drag D Link to post Share on other sites
Inq Eisenhorn Posted June 13, 2008 Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 Oh, but come on've missed the best one....I call it the "Door Boy effect" No matter where you go theres always one. You stop and hold the door open for someone, only to have them walk straight through without a if its your lifes duty to simple hold open doors. The problem is you never know who is going to bring on the "Door boy effect" until you've held open the door for them Now I try remember the faces of these plebs, and I when I encounter those *albatross*-holes at work...I let the door swing baby swing! Link to post Share on other sites
Skarclaw Posted June 13, 2008 Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 What gets my goat is at work when I'm on the checkout, if they pay by card, most customers hand me the card so I can insert it and press all the buttons like confirm amount, cashback y/n etc, but there is always a few in a day that will just flip the card reader around, maybe try and swipe the card, or push it into the wrong hole, then look confused when they don't know what to do as it hasn't asked for thier pin yet. If I'm in the right (or is that the wrong) mood, I just watch them until they work it out. One lady spent about 2 minutest trying to do it before apologizing and turning the card reader back to face me. Pretty petty, but still satisfying. Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Andrews Posted June 13, 2008 Author Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 Then there are those drivers who think their car is an artic and swing wide when turning left, then compound their rubbish driving by stopping the moment they have left the main road, leaving the rear of the car blocking the road. Link to post Share on other sites
Brick Posted June 13, 2008 Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 I used to work security at a shopping mall outside manchester, I was in the arcade. It was quite stunning the number of morons who wanted to walk inside and wander around, was the walk more interesting amid the overbearing noise? None of the staff could understand it, at least we were getting paid for it (if I never hear "Shrek and donkey on another whirlwind adventure" again it will be too soon) Link to post Share on other sites
AUDIOBANDIT Posted June 13, 2008 Report Share Posted June 13, 2008 Then there are those drivers who think their car is an artic and swing wide when turning left, then compound their rubbish driving by stopping the moment they have left the main road, leaving the rear of the car blocking the road. dont get me started on shat driving tom! by the way any joy with those bbs? Link to post Share on other sites
amateurstuntman Posted June 14, 2008 Report Share Posted June 14, 2008 I have been much happier in my life since I discovered that most people are frightened of any sort of confrontation. When people walk slowly in front of me I push them out of the way. When people leave their trolley sideways across the aisle of the supermarket I slam my trolley into theirs and send is spinning off into the distance. Once I went into wickes to get some screws and on parking I noticed a car with a trailer parked sideways in 5 spaces. 5! I unhitched his trailer. I would have loved to have seen his face (assuming that he was enough of a moron to make it that far) when he got home and realised his trailer was gone. Link to post Share on other sites
black team-2 Posted June 14, 2008 Report Share Posted June 14, 2008 i work at supermarket unfortunately they are all true all really get me wound up The best one When doing exams 'You may leave any time you want unless there is 15 or less remaining' WTF?????? its supposedly to not disturb the people??(so they said) so you can disturb them all through the test till 15 to go Link to post Share on other sites
i_is_oli Posted June 14, 2008 Report Share Posted June 14, 2008 Haha those are all so true... Another one, is people who cut you up on a road, then get funny about it and blame you... I've seen it happen millions of times, and had it happen to me...just had to sit back and laugh that people are so pathetic about their own mistakes. Link to post Share on other sites
my_plague_666 Posted June 15, 2008 Report Share Posted June 15, 2008 What gets my goat is at work when I'm on the checkout, if they pay by card, most customers hand me the card so I can insert it and press all the buttons like confirm amount, cashback y/n etc, but there is always a few in a day that will just flip the card reader around, maybe try and swipe the card, or push it into the wrong hole, then look confused when they don't know what to do as it hasn't asked for thier pin yet. If I'm in the right (or is that the wrong) mood, I just watch them until they work it out. One lady spent about 2 minutest trying to do it before apologizing and turning the card reader back to face me. Pretty petty, but still satisfying. oh hell yes! and the people that think that "can you re-try your PIN please" or "can you press the enter button please" means "can you remove your card before you've finished paying and blame the perfectly functional card reader for your own incompetence please" or people that ask for cashback AFTER they have entered their PIN and completed the transaction, and then have the cheek to get all arsey when i can't. people that think paths, parking spaces and the bits with trees planted in them are the correct places to leave supermarket trolleys... either that or the cretins that ignore the massive sign saying 'don't take trolleys past this point or the wheels will lock' and seem surprised when the trolley halts and refuses to move until someone goes out with a remote unlocking thing THAT NEVER BLOODY WORKS! another thing that irritates me is people who tell me to cheer up. i don't usually do smiling unless i have something to be genuinely happy about. i'm not necessarily unhappy, miserable etc. im often perfectly content with my mood, smiling or not. i mean seriously, why do people seem to think it's my duty to look euphoric 24/7? Link to post Share on other sites
thewallhitme Posted June 15, 2008 Report Share Posted June 15, 2008 i totally agree about people telling me to cheer up. if anything it makes me more p***** off, even if i wasnt in the first place. mobile phones: they are the worst thing in the world. everyone has one, so nobody feels obliged to answer them when i phone. the antireversal latch: STAY IN YOUR PLACE YOU P.O.S. cyclists on the road: move over and let the line of 20 cars, that can make it up the hill, past. my barber: dont worry, take your time, its not like i was going to do some shopping after this. AK trigger units: why did you have to go and explode when i opened the gearbox, and why wont you go back in! BB bottle feeders: FEED DAMN YOU FEED [/rant] Link to post Share on other sites
Kyrian_Zenda Posted June 15, 2008 Report Share Posted June 15, 2008 another one is the people who leave their trollies somewhere to go and get something else miles away I worked security in a store once where a woman went off and left her pram and three kids just sitting near the entrance of the store. A store in an area that had a chronic crime problem. I timed her and she was gone a grand total of 12 minutes. Twelve bloody minutes. I don't think I've ever told anyone off that badly before or since. Lots of yelling and lots of pidgin English. Also, after telling someone off for being a numpty and arguing back, they decide to try and tell me how to do my job because they've decided I'm not doing it properly. I told you off for a reason, you bell-end, I'm not telling them off cos they've not done anything wrong! Link to post Share on other sites
my_plague_666 Posted June 15, 2008 Report Share Posted June 15, 2008 i totally agree about people telling me to cheer up. if anything it makes me more p***** off, even if i wasnt in the first place. the antireversal latch: STAY IN YOUR PLACE YOU P.O.S. AK trigger units: why did you have to go and explode when i opened the gearbox, and why wont you go back in! agree on all of them. first time i opened a GB both of those happened to me. and then while trying to put it back together the AR latch and trigger unit kept taking it in turns to explode. drove me halfway to insanity. oh, and horse riders on the road. they're a bloody danger to everyone including themselves. a road populated with cars going 30+mph is not the place for an animal that you can only ask nicely to take you somewhere and hope it doesnt decide to do it's own thing. ride them off the road by all means, but keep them away from roads where they are obviously liable to get spooked and possibly cause a lot of harm. Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk281 Posted June 15, 2008 Report Share Posted June 15, 2008 cyclists on the road: move over and let the line of 20 cars, that can make it up the hill, past. If this ###### you off, you'd love it here. They just passed a law in Illinois stating that drivers must pass cyclists with atleast 3ft of space. So now I have to swerve into oncoming traffic going 60mph (little less then 100 km for those who believe in the metric system) to avoid the guy riding his bike in my lane. Link to post Share on other sites
The Badger Posted June 16, 2008 Report Share Posted June 16, 2008 3ft, lucky *beep*, Its six feet here in California. And the idiots ride up all the mountain roads that are fun to drive, ###### The Badger off... plus the fact that its nearly all middle aged men.... in lycra... *shivvers* Link to post Share on other sites
Sale Posted June 16, 2008 Report Share Posted June 16, 2008 3 ft doesn't sound too unreasonable to me, unless you really want to catch their handlebar with your side mirror. You people must have really narrow roads if you can't fit on them with a car if someone else is using it. Link to post Share on other sites
WhutJP Posted June 16, 2008 Report Share Posted June 16, 2008 I used to work in a cinema and the rudeness of middle aged *fruitcage*ers wound me right up. I mean for gods sake, i am a human being and the rules of politeness do apply to me! It doesnt hurt you to say please and thank you instead of demanding whatever you want. In the end i started forcing the customer to say please before id give them what they asked for. It was great - theyd give me this dirty look for telling them off but they would still do it because they would realise i was in the right. Actually the biker comments bring me on to one of my pet hates: car drivers who are completely inconsiderate of other road users; bikes and pedestrians. Like the car divers who come out of their driveways at a fair speed and stop right at the edge of the road thereby blocking the footpath. And if some runner or a biker on the footpath is unlucky they just had a large obsticle placed in their way. Ive seen runners get hit before. (of course this is all in situations where the drivers cant see until they are out of the driveway - high fences or hedges n stuff - yet they still come out as fast as they can manage.) +1 for the slow walkers, especially the ones who block the entire footpath. I want to punch them in the back of the head. (facebook anyone?) Link to post Share on other sites
Xaccers Posted June 16, 2008 Report Share Posted June 16, 2008 3 ft doesn't sound too unreasonable to me, unless you really want to catch their handlebar with your side mirror. You people must have really narrow roads if you can't fit on them with a car if someone else is using it. Very wide cars combined with driving on the wrong side of the road. I pity the cyclists We give them as much space as we'd give a car (ie a car's door length and then a bit). Cyclists are legally entitled to "wobble" too. Now cyclists who completely ignore road laws get my goat, the sort who will ignore red lights etc. Thankfully MK has plenty of cycle lanes and paths so they rarely mix with motorists. Link to post Share on other sites
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