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Celcius CTW Video


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lol more than half of its video was slapping receiver open and close on and on and on and on and on and on.....then fps and rof test. Doesn't really make good promo video as it doesn't really have contents.


don't they have anything else to show?

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Concerning the closure of the receiver, the tightness can be adjusted. Had mine so that i could very easily open it with just my thump pushing the charging handle upwards.


Little disappointed with the vid, i was expecting them showing some more. Doesn´t even show that it really has a working bolt catch. Also what the heck where those wires hanging out from the pistolgrip? :blink:

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Also what the heck where those wires hanging out from the pistolgrip? :blink:

Didn't notice that....


I'll have to take a look at the video again.


Edit: Hrmm? I just saw them. Very strange. Im thinking they should have waited until the system was completed before shooting a half-assed video.


Oh well, Cheap parts FTW.

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i only watched that whole video for the music. queen is awesome.

looks interesting, though its odd they chose to make a similar stock to the systema





Its a clone man, why would you go through the effort and financial hardship to create a new BETTER stock...duh. :rolleyes:


This is still vaporware until its at a reputable dealer and we can check them out for ourselves. I still wonder what the pricepoint is going to be. Celcius needs to remember that Systema Challenge kits can be had for 880.00 USD shipped. With the introduction of cheap magazines unless Celcius is going to save me 400 or so dollars there is NO way on gods green earth i would shell out for this over the original. As much as i dont like PTW's with the current issues that they have i highly doubt the clone is going to improve upon the platform but only time will tell.

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Its a clone man, why would you go through the effort and financial hardship to create a new BETTER stock...duh. :rolleyes:


This is still vaporware until its at a reputable dealer and we can check them out for ourselves. I still wonder what the pricepoint is going to be. Celcius needs to remember that Systema Challenge kits can be had for 880.00 USD shipped. With the introduction of cheap magazines unless Celcius is going to save me 400 or so dollars there is NO way on gods green earth i would shell out for this over the original. As much as i dont like PTW's with the current issues that they have i highly doubt the clone is going to improve upon the platform but only time will tell.


The other argument could be that the video is actually of a Systema PTW. Celcius has done this before already and no-one (except for a few youtube claims to have bought them) has seen their products for sale to date. Only thing that can be said right now is Celcius is great at slapping their names on existing AEG's and fudging FPS results.


Celcius SOC16...


Celcius G36c


As Magzs stated. I'll believe this when I see them actually for sale.



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As I said before, Our local retailer The War Store is claiming to have 8 of these on order right now.


The Retail Price will be $650 per unit.


From the store owner:


it is my understanding that they are 100% compatible with the Systema PTW.


yes, we should be able to get more beyond the initial eight. according to Celsius, we will be the first retailer in the US to get them.




Edit: In no way does this make me believe the hype. I just wanted to inform you of the current information I have.


If I get anymore information I will let you all know.

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Nah, I'm not buying this charade for a couple of reasons. Now, I could be proved wrong, but I doubt it.


Here we have a you-tube video of an incomplete rifle....for all I know it could be a half made SCK (Systema Challenge Kit)....Celcius haven't even bothered to get some kind of trade mark on the side of the unit, so as far as I'm concerned it isn't a Celcius made unit. The other interesting point, they've got a whole section on their website for CTW "parts" and now a video, but where are the actual promotional shots on their webpage under CTW training weapon? its still a pre-order blank with not photo. <_<


Heres a few "facts" from Celcius. In order to get a minimum bulk order you have to purchase at least 8 units. They offer no guarantee or service support unless you are a military or law enforcement agency....so what ever retailer buys these units, they have to cover all the extra costs if you take it back due to a fault!


Bearing in mind the last part, how cheap are these units going to be to the end user? Asking a retailer to take all the risk with no back-up is sooo shady its the dark side of the moon. So unless these units are 100% fool-proof, and therefore better than a PTW, the retailers won't be in a position to sell these cheap just because of the sales support they are going to HAVE to give!



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Bearing in mind the last part, how cheap are these units going to be to the end user? Asking a retailer to take all the risk with no back-up is sooo shady its the dark side of the moon. So unless these units are 100% fool-proof, and therefore better than a PTW, the retailers won't be in a position to sell these cheap just because of the sales support they are going to HAVE to give!


RRP is $600, so add an extra $100 on possibly.....

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looks good too bad the video shows no functions like a working bolt lock etc


This is just a prototype. Its supposedly a perfect clone of a PTW so if the systema has it, the ctw in theory will have it too.


The other argument could be that the video is actually of a Systema PTW. Celcius has done this before already and no-one (except for a few youtube claims to have bought them) has seen their products for sale to date. Only thing that can be said right now is Celcius is great at slapping their names on existing AEG's and fudging FPS results.


Celcius SOC16...


Celcius G36c


As Magzs stated. I'll believe this when I see them actually for sale.


I went and looked at those two videos. Odd, certainly. But I wouldnt be so hasty to make broad assumptions about celcius and their business practices because of what a youtube poster claims. On the celcius site they state they used to do manufacturing for other companies. Maybe these were guns they made for some company and they got sloppy with packaging or something. If celcius' name appeared on anything shipped with the gun an uninformed buyer could make a connection like that and assume its a Celcius gun. Bottom line, we dont know what celcius is doing halfway across the world. maybe theyve had a market doing rebranding on a small local scale. Who knows. I dont think these videos prove much at all. I guess I just dont understand why everyone thinks celcius is using a half built ptw? What does that do for them? And if its a SCK why not just build it completely? They would have all the parts. It would seem silly not to add credence to your product by not assembling it fully if you could.


Celcius haven't even bothered to get some kind of trade mark on the side of the unit, so as far as I'm concerned it isn't a Celcius made unit. The other interesting point, they've got a whole section on their website for CTW "parts" and now a video, but where are the actual promotional shots on their webpage under CTW training weapon? its still a pre-order blank with not photo. <_<


Heres a few "facts" from Celcius. In order to get a minimum bulk order you have to purchase at least 8 units. They offer no guarantee or service support unless you are a military or law enforcement agency....so what ever retailer buys these units, they have to cover all the extra costs if you take it back due to a fault!


Bearing in mind the last part, how cheap are these units going to be to the end user? Asking a retailer to take all the risk with no back-up is sooo shady its the dark side of the moon. So unless these units are 100% fool-proof, and therefore better than a PTW, the retailers won't be in a position to sell these cheap just because of the sales support they are going to HAVE to give!


Again, this is a prototype. I imagine trades arent on the top of their list if they still havent finished a propper motor plate. the SCK doesnt have any marks on its receiver either, so ill assume its not made by systema. C'mon, this is airsoft. A lack of receiver markings is common.


What is your source for these "facts" about Celcius. Im not discrediting anything, just curious I dont think bulk minimums are uncommon when dealing direct with a manufacturer. Most limit business to companies that make it worth the time and effort to create shipments, the paperwork that accompanies them, etc. I encounter this daily in my career.


As far as the support issue, that could be a hang up for some if its true. Lets hope they remedy that.


Im really not trying to fight for celcius here. I just think its funny that people immediately assume its some kind of hoax because they dont have a superb marketing stategy.


Im a bit let down by the price. I was hoping they would go sub $600usd. Competition stands to benefit us consumers. I dont see enough being bought at $600 to make systema rethink its pricing strategy. I would love to be wrong.




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You know, PTW's are nice, but lets face facts, for a pretty expensive gun, they aren't the most well built. I've been told several times they do not like moisture. I've been told several times, by my gun tech, that it would not stand up to the abuse I put my gear through. Even if this isn't a hoax, I'm not thinking this is a viable option. I don't want to spend between 650 to 1500 (ctw v ptw pricing) for a weapon I can only use on sunny days.


Add on top of that the customization that would have to be done to the piece to get it to where I want it to be (S-system or Barret m468 style rail system, KA Mod2 stock, TD style grip, waxing of circuitry for weather proofing, replacement of front sight) and we're talking mega bucks. Plus the whole thing of mags(expensive for ammo dumpers to carry enough mags to deal with the type of stuff they run into) and the whole thing, clone or not, doesn't make this a dream gun, at least for me.


I'm sticking to my guns, getting a KWA S-system, throwing the mods needed, and I've still got under a grand tied up, for a weapon I can use in sleet, rain, snow, sun, anytime anywhere. Not a weapon that I can only pull out of my case when the weather permits. Three boxes of mid caps, and I'm ready to go.


Sorry...still not buying the hype, of either the CTW or the PTW.


I almost did, but ration and reason, function over form, dictate my airsofting dollar. It's just not in the Systema/Celcius world of TW's.



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What is your source for these "facts" about Celcius. Im not discrediting anything, just curious.....


Simple, I've been in contact directly with Celcius, trying to set up a bulk buy. I approached them with an offer to buy 20 units, so of course they gave me information about how to do so.


Those points I mentioned are just some of the "facts" they disclosed.


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I went and looked at those two videos. Odd, certainly. But I wouldnt be so hasty to make broad assumptions about celcius and their business practices because of what a youtube poster claims. On the celcius site they state they used to do manufacturing for other companies. Maybe these were guns they made for some company and they got sloppy with packaging or something. If celcius' name appeared on anything shipped with the gun an uninformed buyer could make a connection like that and assume its a Celcius gun. Bottom line, we dont know what celcius is doing halfway across the world. maybe theyve had a market doing rebranding on a small local scale. Who knows. I dont think these videos prove much at all. I guess I just dont understand why everyone thinks celcius is using a half built ptw? What does that do for them? And if its a SCK why not just build it completely? They would have all the parts. It would seem silly not to add credence to your product by not assembling it fully if you could.


What you don't seem to realize is Celcius used to link to those exact videos on their website as being videos of products they "produced". Some of us who been around long enough know this, and are sceptical based on the fact, Celcius is at 100% NOT delivering what they claim to be something they are bringing to market. Take the videos in context to how Celcius tried to use them in the past.


Celcius using a half built PTW, makes as much senses as stating a clone AEG is something they manufacture. Loading it with .12 bb's and videoing skewed FPS data. You seem to want to make sense of all this though...


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Those wires are the only clue it could be their own gun since in a ptw they wouldn´t show like that in any case.




Even without the baseplate they are hidden by the grips edges. Thought this only if the kit has been builded like it should.


Off course it could be the case that its just their own motor in systema Max kit. :unsure:

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Nobody mentioned that the videos were once part of the Celcius site. Knowing that though, I would definitely say that their business strategies are ethically questionable. Like I said before, Im not trying to defend the company. Im just trying to see things from multiple angles here. Im really rooting for more choices and competition, ultimately, not Celcius.


Interesting find about the motor though.

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Good posts Orca.


The reason why so many people are regarding this with a healthy dose of skepticism is because there's nothing to say that some whack job out there isnt cooking all of this up in his living room. This world is populated by quite a few lunatics that are just a little off kilter. Hoaxes exist in this world so why wouldnt they exist in the airsoft world?


Im not saying that Celcius itself is a hoax but until they actually produce something there's really nothing wrong with taking everything they say with a grain of salt.


One thing that i will say is that i wouldnt be surprised if Celcius is an OEM manufacturer for Systema. Im not 100% sure but i would bet pretty good company that Systema is contracting some of their work out to China just like every other company that wants to make a quick buck in this world. A buddy of mine purchased an m110 cylinder a couple months back and it came with an unfinished cylinder head. Looks like Systema is cutting corners or their OEM manufacturer is if they are indeed using one.


This is all pure speculation but again, the interwebberznetz is about 90% speculation anyway. :D


EDIT: Also, there's nothing out there that says that celcius didnt take a set of PTW electronics and solder their own wiring to the boards. Plenty of end users do it.

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One thing that i will say is that i wouldnt be surprised if Celcius is an OEM manufacturer for Systema. Im not 100% sure but i would bet pretty good company that Systema is contracting some of their work out to China just like every other company that wants to make a quick buck in this world. A buddy of mine purchased an m110 cylinder a couple months back and it came with an unfinished cylinder head. Looks like Systema is cutting corners or their OEM manufacturer is if they are indeed using one.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Systema is outsourcing a large percentage of the base manufacturing to China and finishing the final assembly in Japan. Many companies do that. Take for example HurricanE, their Eotechs are made in the same factories as that of the ACM counterparts, just to different QC levels. Being made in China doesn't mitigate poor quality, it just means that the company outsourcing the work to there needs to keep a closer eye and stricter tolerance for what is produced.


Personally, I'm indifferent about where the products Celcius sells are really made from. It all comes down to the quality of the pieces.

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It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Systema is outsourcing a large percentage of the base manufacturing to China and finishing the final assembly in Japan. Many companies do that. Take for example HurricanE, their Eotechs are made in the same factories as that of the ACM counterparts, just to different QC levels. Being made in China doesn't mitigate poor quality, it just means that the company outsourcing the work to there needs to keep a closer eye and stricter tolerance for what is produced.


Personally, I'm indifferent about where the products Celcius sells are really made from. It all comes down to the quality of the pieces.


Quoted for truth




Really though, there doesn't seem to be much special about these except for the swappable cylinder thing. That's pretty cool but not worth that much money... Also anyone else see the potential for abuse? Some dumb nut chronoes his gun with one cylinder, then swaps it out and shoots 600fps all day... That would be really lame

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Really though, there doesn't seem to be much special about these except for the swappable cylinder thing. That's pretty cool but not worth that much money... Also anyone else see the potential for abuse? Some dumb nut chronoes his gun with one cylinder, then swaps it out and shoots 600fps all day... That would be really lame



Well, considering that ICS M4s and Systema PTWs have been able to do this for years I don't really see the problem. I haven't seen many threads screaming about the ICS and PTW cheaters who swap their M100s to M120s.


Ok, so the hot-swappable cyclinder doesn't tickle your fancy... What about the PTW gearbox, real-steel specs, etc etc? Regardless of whether these features are truly needed, the "special" thing about the CTW is that it clones the ever over-hyped PTW.

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