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From the post apoc larp game with airsoft called "Blodsband" in Sweden. 3 day event with 700 people. Pretty much like fallout.   Me and my tribe "Stammen", im the one with feathers in the mask.  

I'm no photoshop expert but I can't help but notice a slight problem here...  

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Occassionally I have to wear ACU for certain OPs (not by choice), such as this past Saturday's OPNH3:



(Second picture is clickable for larger version)

Ah, sporting the Costa rifle...


You make me jealous <_<


I'll keep you posted (if you care) on the status of my budget one. Thanks again for the parts list.

Edited by Rambo Kid
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Ah, sporting the Costa rifle...

You make me jealous <_<

I'll keep you posted (if you care) on the status of my budget one. Thanks again for the parts list.

Don't give up on it. It's a fantastic layout for a gun.


For something you rarely wear, and don't like to wear, that looks pretty damn awesome.

Ha, thanks man! It was fun wearing/using it!


Thanks for giving us some good and tough opposition! That first scenario was brutal, but the second and third OPs were great fun!

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Operation: Dagestan 2. This was at the start of the game, after two hours of sleep, during pre-game procedures. We set up a checkpoint for players/vehicles entering the area, hence no goggles. I'll get video of the checkpoint antics when I can - it was pretty fun.

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Occassionally I have to wear ACU for certain OPs (not by choice), such as this past Saturday's OPNH3:



me and my team oda-803 at op: new horizon lll in santa clara CA.


Glad to see some other folks from Arnies made it out to this one! I was one of the staff SEALs with TSOG, hope you guys enjoyed the game!


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Glad to see some other folks from Arnies made it out to this one! I was one of the staff SEALs with TSOG, hope you guys enjoyed the game!

Scott who designed the game is one of the CO's of my team. I'm one of the Squad Sgt.s of BPRD. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and while I'm probably a little biased because of Scott, it seemed like everyone else who wasn't in BPRD had fun too. :) It was basically like a fun Appreciation Day Game but with awesome scenarios. Extracting you guys (and girl) during the last Scenario was really awesome. You guys in TSOG did a great job! I watched the YouTube Video of one of your crew's Helmet Cams... it was great seeing some of the action that was going down while we were trying to find you lot. :D


I'm really glad I suggested to Mullen we send my Recon team ahead first to find you guys. We probably would not have been able to extract you otherwise as we may not have found you in time. :mellow:


Good times!

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Scott who designed the game is one of the CO's of my team. I'm one of the Squad Sgt.s of BPRD. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and while I'm probably a little biased because of Scott, it seemed like everyone else who wasn't in BPRD had fun too. :) It was basically like a fun Appreciation Day Game but with awesome scenarios. Extracting you guys (and girl) during the last Scenario was really awesome. You guys in TSOG did a great job! I watched the YouTube Video of one of your crew's Helmet Cams... it was great seeing some of the action that was going down while we were trying to find you lot. :D


I'm really glad I suggested to Mullen we send my Recon team ahead first to find you guys. We probably would not have been able to extract you otherwise as we may not have found you in time. :mellow:


Good times!


It was definitely the most fun I had in a one-day event, and I think the same goes for many of the other players judging from the smiles and all-around good mood. Scott designed some incredibly fun scenarios that seemed really engaging for all players, not just the objective-minded ones.


Heh, I remember in the third scenario when we made contact with Cartel, we were so pinned down I actually felt like I was being rescued when I saw USFOR show up! The feeling was pure relief. At the same time though, I was saying to myself "Oh *suitcase*! I sure hope they check their fire!" Especially after being hit by friendly fire twice in the second scenario! Despite some blue on blue, I can easily say that was an absolute blast. Your recon team could not have showed up at a better time! :D


Once I get my hands on some of the OP pictures we took I'll put a few up here.

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Yeah, but when we showed up I heard "where's everyone else?" to which we replied, "we're it for now". Talk about an "uh-oh" situation with all that fire going on, but you guys held it down. Getting you guys out of that little cove and closer to the tracks was tough. I carried 1 guy for like 10m before realizing that I couldn't fireman carry through that brush, then began to escort healthy SEALS until the rest of USFOR came up. Then I carried your female teamate (who's name I can't remember) back to FOB and ran back to continue running security for the remaining SEALs.


I think one of the most inense moments for me was when I was escorting the SEALs, I saw USFOR only 10-15m away, but pinned down for a period of time. So close, but so far.


You guys set up a great perimeter to protect yourselves until we got there.

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