Woodco Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 tell us about the most embarrassing thing that happened in your life. Something you really regret My story: I told a lady I know that I thought she had just killed bug in the room. She told me that she hadn't. I smelled Something and said it was Hornet Spray. She was enraged and told me never to talk about perfume again. She hates me now (pity, for she was a fine specimen ) Link to post Share on other sites
doc_newstead Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 That's a burn. Link to post Share on other sites
tex Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 When I was in middle school, I had a crush on the little blond haired girl in my class. In gym class, we were doing handstands and cart wheels and my friend and I were waiting behind the little blond-haired girl and her friend to finish so we could use the mat. The blond-haired girl was really good at hand stands and cart-wheels, so the coach made a point to have everyone watch. After about ten minutes, my buddy and I were bored so we layed down on at the foot of the mat. Everyone else did to as the blond-haired girl did flips and somersalts Well, my buddy whispered something in my ear and I covered my mouth giggling. Then there was a loud smack and I looked up to see the blond-haired girl laying flat on her back, her crotch precious inches from my head. She had slipped and flopped right down, almost on top of me.. I was so embarrassed, I didn't say anything to her for about a week. She was so embarrassed, she ran into the girl's restroom and refused to come back out until after gym class was over. Being Middle School, the jokes from the older kids were pretty harsh. Link to post Share on other sites
DirtyMoFo Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 ace! i wonder when farting in assembly will come up? (never done it myself by the way ) Link to post Share on other sites
scithe Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 i was at a shule (jewish place of prayer, everyone knows everyone there) and i had to use the bathroom. well, there was some construction being done on it at the time, and they had just finnished the bathrooms... or almost. they didn't have signs on the doors yet any guesses as to what happened? lol. Link to post Share on other sites
DrewLawson Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 Wasn't me, but during 8th grade graduation this rather....large girl was sitting in the plasic seats provided and suddenly the chair's legs snapped off and she went crashing to the floor in front of all her classmates and their parents and teachers. Link to post Share on other sites
Ghost_Rider Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 tell us about the most embarrassing thing that happened in your life. Something you really regret <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wasn't me, but during 8th grade graduation.....<{POST_SNAPBACK}> JOO FAIL. Link to post Share on other sites
Holmes Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 More awkward than embarrassing, but anyways... It was College Day at my Best Buy and I was wearing my OSU Buckeyes jersey, and then a customer comes up to my register with a Michigan hat... No words were said. Link to post Share on other sites
sekiryu Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 In 4th grade, some kid sitting next to me jabbed me in the side--I jumped up out of my seat and simultaneously farted. Link to post Share on other sites
Holmes Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 In 4th grade, some kid sitting next to me jabbed me in the side--I jumped up out of my seat and simultaneously farted. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lol, nice. Link to post Share on other sites
Kraut Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 More awkward than embarrassing, but anyways... It was College Day at my Best Buy and I was wearing my OSU Buckeyes jersey, and then a customer comes up to my register with a Michigan hat... No words were said. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> None needed- Michigan got their asses handed to them. Link to post Share on other sites
Holmes Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 This was at like the beginning of the season. And unfortunately, so did OSU. . At least my Colts won tonight. Link to post Share on other sites
otherrandomhero Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 At bible camp during campfire we all sit on these really long benches that go around the fire. During a prayer, there was a "silent time" where i really regretted winning that refried bean eating contest. I ripped out (literally, it hurt afterwards) the biggest, longest, quite possibly creamiest fart in history. The bench makes a semicircle about 30 feet in diameter, EVERYONE on the bench felt it shake. it lasted a good 15-20 seconds too. Painful and embarassing, but funny as hell. Link to post Share on other sites
Holmes Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 Had a "kickback" at my house, and me and this girl are a smidge drunk. So we end up in my older brother's room on his bed (he's in college, and I never use my room anymore and well, then it goes awry. My pants have made their way to the floor by now, and this girl and I had been AWOL for a while so one of my friends comes upstairs and decideds to open the door I stupidly forgot to lock. So he sees "me", full frontal, run to close the door, and of course I trip on the carpet and eat ######, but manage to get the door closed while falling. I hear from the other side, "Dude, did you see how he landed? Max! Did you break your **** man?!" Hindsight, probably the most hilarious thing that ever happened to me. Link to post Share on other sites
otherrandomhero Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 wow, +1 for that. I need to try to remember some stuff, i'll have someting up in a minute. Hm...i've tripped 6 times walking 4 feet on flat ground, i've had my swimming trunks come off multiple times in a public pool, i accidentally called my principal a fag...twice (it really was an accident), i've been tricked out of $50 by a 4 year old, i've lost a game of checkers to a chicken, i've accidentally swung a northern pike around my head fishing and had it bite onto my ear, i've started crying at sleepovers because i saw a centipede, i've been kicked in the **** with high heels on stage at a battle of the bands i played in, i accidentally saw my neighbors mom naked and threw up, i've almost drowned at least a dozen times falling asleep standing up in the shower, i fell in the pool chasing some kids skinny dipping with a shovel, and i've gotten my foot caught in a bear trap 3 consecutive times. I've had a fun life. If you want me to elaborate on any of these, just let me know. EDIT2: ohhh, this is a good one. I was at a sleepover (coed w00t) and this girl i had a huge crush on was there. I was sleeping then i woek up and she was shaking me. At first i was like "yess!!" but then she said i had my hand under my sheets and i was saying her name over and over again. Wow....that was bad. Link to post Share on other sites
Holmes Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 It wasn't my proudest moment, having 2 of my lifelong friends see my junk. But oh well, all funny stories now. Link to post Share on other sites
Smith5 Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 Karaoki whilst drunk, being too caned to read the words so I sang what I felt should go in the gap, followed by a highly embarrasing vocal guitar solo and having the whole lot very kindly videoed by my flatmate and nearly uploaded onto the internet for the whole world to see. The whole event still makes me cringe at the mere thought of it. Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLite Posted January 22, 2007 Report Share Posted January 22, 2007 I caught fire once. That was embarrassing. I was 17. It was a BBQ, full of young teens getting rediculously ###### on a variety of spirits, including someone who had brought along a 5 litre bottle of vodka. Anyhow, this guy annoints himself as Vodka server for the night, and goes around with this huge bottle pouring people shots and glasses. He sampled his own merchandise often, and ended up pretty ###### indeed, stumbling about and insisting that everyone should have a shot of vodka. Anyhow - I'm standing near the barbie, mildly tipsy and chatting away with a lovely looking blonde from somewhere else, getting along quite well, prospects looking good. And then VodkaMaster appears, slurs "Ahma guh nah wahn wahn voh-oops!" and trips on someones foot - falling directly towards me, vodka bottle disgorging it's contents in midair in a stream headed directly towards this lovely lass I was talking to. Ever the gentleman, I pushed her aside, rather urgently, and so instead of her getting soaked, it was instead my left arm that was liberally slathered in vodka. Now, it took a second or so for my mildly inebreited brain to remember that I was standing in front of a barbie. Fire + Vodka + Arm = Not Very Good. This particular brand of Not Very Good came in the form of my arm catching fire. Flash burns, oh yes. So I'm standing there, staring at my arm, engulfed in flames, caught up in the spectacle, and I suddenly realise that this was very painful, or would be in a few seconds. So I ran to the icebox and dunked my arm in, thus extinguishing the flames and leaving me with one very tanned arm. The embarrassment? I had accidentally pulled the lady's top down, bra and all, when I had pushed her aside. Of course, far from being thankful that I had saved her from being on fire, she was angry, I was a pervert, I had embarrassed her in front of everyone, even though most people had been screaming at my arm being on fire, and not looking at her putting her breasts away, and on top of that I smelt, presumably like burnt vodka, flesh and hair. And on top of that - I didn't even get to see her tits. I had had my hand on one at one point, but then my arm caught fire and kind of distracted me. *albartroth*. Link to post Share on other sites
-king- Posted January 23, 2007 Report Share Posted January 23, 2007 One time I was at Baseball practice and I shat my pants when I was batting. It smelled rank, and then I remembered that I was getting a ride home from my neighbor. Now, that was an awkward car ride home. Link to post Share on other sites
Aidan Posted January 23, 2007 Report Share Posted January 23, 2007 Well, it's not me, but one of my friends hosted a pool party (coed) at the end of term last year. Now, he was in his room, and two female guests had needed to change into their bathing attire. Now, one of them had decided to change in his walk in closet, without my mate's knowledge. He entered the closet to look for something, and well, he saw something he wasn't quite looking for. Now this was even funnier to his closer friends, because we were all convinced he had a crush on said girl at the time. Even worse, later on in the day, whilst HE was changing she entered the room before he could put his pieces away. Link to post Share on other sites
sekiryu Posted January 23, 2007 Report Share Posted January 23, 2007 At least they got even Link to post Share on other sites
Endospore Posted January 25, 2007 Report Share Posted January 25, 2007 tell us about the most embarrassing thing that happened in your life. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Everytime I open my mouth to talk to a girl....even if they start the conversation (which usually makes it worse, since I've never been a guy the girls are attracted to). Something you really regret <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't regret talking to the girl, I just regret the way I end up saying most things lol. I'm definatly not one to look at for guidance on talking to the fairer sex. Although I am quite a good specimen when it comes to how NOT to talk to them I'm sure I could think of an actually embarassing moment, other than the many situations the above recalls, but it would take awhile, as I don't go to public school (which seems to breed a lot of those moments lol). Link to post Share on other sites
jez Posted January 25, 2007 Report Share Posted January 25, 2007 no body knows this..... i was at an ex girlfriends house one evening and i needed a poo .... so in i went slacks down ready to sit on the "throne" whilst my 5 min session of "dumping" i realised i had finished and reached for the loo roll... but no... alas it was empty and i had a wet pooey botty and the only thing in sight was the laundry basket in front of me, so the hand went in and i pulled out a pair of womens knickers and thought "**** it" so i wiped and flushed, but little did i know that only a few hours later there would be a system block o.O so there was the plumber plling out a pair of *suitcasey* knickers out of the toilet system we broke up after that lol Link to post Share on other sites
Holmes Posted January 25, 2007 Report Share Posted January 25, 2007 I relinquish my throne. You win. Link to post Share on other sites
phoenix360mute Posted January 25, 2007 Report Share Posted January 25, 2007 lol at alot of these, heres mine this must of been along time ago, i think i was about 8 or maybe younger, anywho, my nan took me and my bro swimming for the day, needless to say there was alot of tomfollery ect, and i ended u swallowing a whole lot of chlorine infested water, not thinking much of it at the time later, me and my bro got treated to a good old healthy mcdonalds by my nan, thats when the copiuse amounts of swallowed water really kicked in, and i told my nan i had a bit of a stomach ache, she said dont worry, your probably hungry, then, about 5 seconds later i knew i had about 2 seconds before i was gonna throw up, so, i ran to the door of the mcdonalds, and now this is a bad combination, stomach full of cholrine wat+running+smell of mcdonalds this combination ended up in me throwing up, whilst running to the front door, infront of about 50 people, as if that were bad enough, i then slid annd fell on my slippery stomach contents not the greatest afternoon moto of the story DONT LISTEN TO OLD PEOPLE Link to post Share on other sites
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