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Pictures of you in the field or at a game

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From the post apoc larp game with airsoft called "Blodsband" in Sweden. 3 day event with 700 people. Pretty much like fallout.   Me and my tribe "Stammen", im the one with feathers in the mask.  

I'm no photoshop expert but I can't help but notice a slight problem here...  

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Haha okay, Ill start saving my pennies.



Hmmmm, That holosight looks familiar xD



It should do! :P Very happy with it, easily zeroed and couldn't ask for more really. Strangely the green seems to be slightly brighter than the red - Not that I mind, I prefer the green reticle to the red anyway - Either way, definitely the best £40 I've spent in a while!

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I needed new pants for my new team's loadout, so I picked up a pair of Crye G3 combat pants in Multicam.  So far, I am BEYOND happy with them, and will deffo be rocking these full time unless I absolutely have to wear something else.  They're incredibly comfortable, the knee pads are MILES ahead of the Emerson ones (shocker, right?), and I have a range of motion and flexibility with these that I couldn't even dream of with the Emersons.  I highly recommend them, provided they're in your budget...


Anyways, pictures:


Here's the team that made it out to the game last weekend.  We're a bit hodge podge as everyone is still picking up the bits for the team loadout, but everyone's gear works well for them and they're effective with it, which is most important.



Staged "planning" shot



Here's me with my buddy, a reserve sergeant in the Swiss Special Forces.



Gratuitous loadout pic



And as always, one super, extra, über serious operator photo!

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