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RWA Nighthawk steel 1911 with machined rs Heinie tritium sights, stainless threaded insert (to match this two tone oddness), grey Magpul grip panels!  

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3 hours ago, hitmanNo2 said:

Nice.  How do you source these?  Do you use a Japanese buying service?

I know of a few 2nd hand stores in Japan. 

Normally I would wait with buying stuff untill I go on holiday (to Japan) but due to covid this is now not possible.
Luckily I have a friend in Japan who is willing to, from time to time, help me with getting stuff if I spot something I fancy.

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Wow didn’t know you could upload photos now !! Great addition. These are my Nova (new type) with anvil steel parts, brass hop, anvil chamber and barrel and volante bbu,  I’m actually about to post these in the classified section. What price would you pros recommend. 








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On 2/26/2021 at 11:02 AM, vietnammarine said:

Scored this MGC NBB 1911 in our local airsoft shop.


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Those are really cool. Little known fact is UHC made them, and then they were sent to MGC in Japan. They were never as popular compared to the S&W 645 series, ironically compared to real life.

UHC produced the most amount of guns for Japan, compared to any other non-Japanese company. From the TK VP70, Marukoshi Super-9, and most of the spring guns for Maruzen/Crossman and Tokyo Marui Spring pistol line up.


An interesting company that most people thought just made junk, we're outsourced to make a lot of guns in the old days for big players in airsoft.

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I had no idea that UHC has made guns for MGC until I have found this pistol few months ago.

I remember my brother used to have UHC's manual M1911A1 more than 20 years ago. As I remember it was quite hard hitting compared to my Academy M16A1 or pair of M1911 Commanders, which I don't remember the origin of.

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One-off Cobra (1986) 9mm conversion kit based on a Aluminum Nova NM Gold Cup. All anvil external steel parts including a Anvil 9mm Chamber with a WA Cobra 9mm "Bell type" Outer barrel made to fit the Marui Chamber.

Cerakote done by OCT Stragegic, which is nice. Picked this up from Japan for less than the Nova Gold Kit cost itself because the man who commissioned the build was moving to Denmark and needed to sell it quickly because it's impossible to import from Japan. Still need to clean the paint up a bit more.




Edited by Gunnman
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