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The more I look at it, the more I am certain RS actually made NDM 86, not SVD. Wood color (being almost orange with extremely shiny finish) and rear sight slider (being silver instead of black) give it away. Also, scope color is black, while Soviet scope that I've seen are grey color. However, this I can live with, especially if you consider rifle qualities (it is the best AEG I've seen or handled ever).

so true, the realsword svd feels like no other gun ive ever held

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The more I look at it, the more I am certain RS actually made NDM 86, not SVD. Wood color (being almost orange with extremely shiny finish) and rear sight slider (being silver instead of black) give it away. Also, scope color is black, while Soviet scope that I've seen are grey color. However, this I can live with, especially if you consider rifle qualities (it is the best AEG I've seen or handled ever).


Of course its a NDM-86; that's Norinco's clone of the SVD, and RS manufactures airsoft copies of Norinco weapons.


I would imagine they would have a harder time marketing "NDM-86" versus "SVD". Sort of like brand recognition, you know?


As for the scopes; Chinese Type JJJ and Belorussian POSP scopes come in the black flavor usually, while Russian PSO-1s and Romanian TIP-2 scopes are often of the gray variety.


So in short, you're absolutely right ;)

Edited by M0ldyM!LK
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  • 3 weeks later...

tried a ms150 we closed it inserted a battery and it started firing on full auto after the first trigger pull

the pin that hold the spring to return ur contact had been broken off


its no big deal but but u cant quickfix it

i tried lots of stuff

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tried a ms150 we closed it inserted a battery and it started firing on full auto after the first trigger pull

the pin that hold the spring to return ur contact had been broken off


its no big deal but but u cant quickfix it

i tried lots of stuff

Mind taking pictures? There might well be a way to fix it (the same method used to fix broken switch stops).

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Does anybodyknow a way to get me a RS svd T3 gearbox, i kinda broke mine.


airsoftfreaks (only distributor in belgium) is to "fruitcage" slow (ordered since september)

an rs itself does not reply to mails


Its Chinese New Year Holiday and they are more then likely closed until Feb 22? Sorry don't know how long there New Year Holiday is (i want to say 2 weeks).

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  • 3 months later...

i just received mine and have been trying to install a Guarder SP130 in it and when i fire the piston gets stuck at the very back of the on the spring guide. I cant figure it out. i have the second version of the Svd. Are there certain springs that dont work with the svd? Is there a Trick to it at all? also when i install it i seem to get a bow the top of the gearbox very very slightly? is this normal or should it just fit no issues? im trying to get X < 500 fps so i think the 130 should do it right?

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Could someone help me out?


I just got mine, but I can't get the battery in.


Basically, I can't figure out how to take off the handguards. I read the instructions, and I did what it said, but nothing happened.

Does anyone have any guides, videos or can do anything to help me out?



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