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One time i answered and the girl was selling home alarm systems.

she asked if my home was protected and i said in an accent,

'yes i have a sword.' then she asked,

'will your sword protect you from fire?'

and i replied, 'no fire, sword.'

this went on for about 10 minutes before she hung up, prolly from everyone in the backrgound laughing their hind ends off.

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[*]Note: This one doesn't always work, but when it does, it gets your point across.

Tell the Telemarketer you are busy at the moment and ask him/her if he/she will give you his/her home phone number so you can call him/her back later.  When the Telemarketer explains that they cannot give out their home numbers say, "Oh sorry, I bet you don't want strangers calling you at home, right?" The Telemarketer will sometimes agree, to which you reply "Neither do I".  Hang up.


My uncle has used that one, works quite well.


Those were really great. Thanks for the laugh. I especially liked the carpet one. And the what are you wearing one is an oldie, but still a goodie. :)

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I took the idea of where you go upto the back of your house and shout out there in my house here's my story.


i was cleaning my shotgun and they called so i went "hold on for a sec" so i went up to the back of my room and shouted out "OMG THERE IN MY HOUSE!!" *racks and fires shotgun* "GET THE HELL OUT YOU TWUNTS" again does the same and then all went silent and then i huing up on them

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It's sorta sad to use that one. Could really damage someone's psychological state of mind. They've just been witness to what seems like a murder. And they were only doing their job... it's sad, but it's gotta be done. Or am I thinking too deeply into it? :)

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What I have done on many occasions....


1) When they call, just yell "NO!!!" and then make some very loud banging sounds, and then come back and claim that you have split personality. That usually works for me. They just say, oh....uh,ok. And then use other tactics such as the "What are you wearing..?" one....but make sure that you keep switiching personalities and scream a little whenever you "switch"


2) Claim to not understand them, and try to make it seem that you think they are your local car repair shop and ask them if they have repaired your car yet.


This next one is only for the older crowd...


3) Say your are busy, but to hold on a second....and then put on an adult video and let it play near the phone. Make the tape play near the loudest part of the film. This one really gets them hanging up qucikly.


4) As soon as you know it is a telemarketer...preferebily before they say the companys name and product, ask them if your shipment of skeletons has come in. Remember to ask very honestly and quickly as if you are very excited. Maybe even use a gruff voice, or the voice of the guy in the movie, "Silence of the lambs."





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If anyones seen the league of gentlemen, think of the minstrels when they call


"Hi its jeff from..."


"Im from"

"Would you like to buy some peeegggsss!!"

Papa Lazarou impressions might get rid of them, but might not be as funny as you can't wind the caller up. They'll most likely recognise you taking the ###### and hang up.

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"If it is a carpet cleaning company, respond with "Can you get out blood? Can you get out Goat blood? How about human blood? What if there's a lot of it?"


I just loved this one and will be using it on the next one I get for anything home related. Paraphrased for insurance or windows or anything home related.


I also will be using the "give me your home number" one


You can also be a 'relative' of the person they have called who has just died in whatever really bizarre way you can think of. Be inconsoleable and sob at them. A most effective one is the 'savaged by badger' incident...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me and Jim have been doing REALLY bad Chinese accents whenever we don't want to be disturbed... only to go back to whatever we were doing in plain english, like chatting on the phone or something...


It usually pwns the living daylights out of the rude people.

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I have a CD with nothing on it besides telemarkter things, and prank calls. The best one on the whole CD is where they call up a computer store, as arnold schwarzennager, and then the lady asks what kind of computer he has, to which he replys "My CPU is a neronet procceser, a learning computer" then theres a pause and then the lady says "oooooooooook" it's really funny :D

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Typically I wait, hear them out, and allow them to do their pitch. They're normal people, and they often call during the day on my cellphone, so it's a good excuse to leave my lab and wander around chatting on the mobile. Then once they've made their pitch, and they've spent a good 15 minutes trying to convince you you need X service, I decline. They then hang up, being quite aware that they've fully wasted 15 minutes of their time talking to someone who ends up usually being more knowledgable about the subject then themselves.

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