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My eye! Sweet Jesus, Ouch!


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I thought I broke my toe the other day.  I was administering a localized application of kinetic persuasion to a parking ticket machine that trapped my money somewhere inside it's coin chute.  I have to do this quite frequently and it always jiggles the machine enough to free the coin no problem.  This time however I did not take into account it had been raining so a bit slippery and my foot slipped up and hit a little ledge.  There was blood when I took my shoe off.  Only *fruitcage*ed up a toe nail thankfully so no broken bones.

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So I was brutally woken by EMS today.

EMS standing for Early Morning *suitcases*. Those pre-made chicken tortillas yesterday violently disagreed with me.


Also, found that scimitar I wanted for $60 shipped on Ebay. Turns out something's capital-F *fruitcage*ed with the offer, as I can't buy the damn thing.

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Bloody Halifax changing their overdraft charges to make it "simpler". Apparently £1 a day and taking it all at the end of the month is too complicated, so in future they'll charge 1p for every £7 you're overdrawn and take the charge at the end of each day. Whoever thought that one up needs a slap

I just got a letter from Lloyds telling me the same thing is happening to my account. Not surprising as HSBC is part of Lloyds Banking Group (Along with Bank of Scotland, Scottish Widows and a bunch of others that I can't remember).


I'm hoping that I'll be able to pay my overdraft off and close the facility. I don't want to close the account, I've had it for a long time and can't be bothered with the hassle of moving (especially since my credit rating isn't what it used to be by any means)


How they think this new system is in any way better than the other way of doing it baffles me. The way it's explained - or rather NOT explained - in the letter makes it totally unclear whether you'd be paying less, the same or more for the same amount of overdraft over a 30 day period. And why 1p per SEVEN pounds anyway? What an odd number to pick. Why not £10, or £5 even?

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Had to come home from work due to a migraine which is very uncommon for me, I never go home ill. Unfortunately said migraine was made 100x worse by an hour journey in the mini. I tried to sleep it off in the car but the bucket seat isn't quite right for anything more than a quick doze. An evening of lying in a dark room is on the card with plenty of fluids. Unfortunately the meds I took an hour ago haven't even skimmed the surface. Whoop!

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I've been there. Used to get migraines from staring at a computer all day, and one job I sat and stared at a computer all day. Imagine how long I lasted there lol


I know a lot of people sit in a dark room. I found tightly wrapping a bath towel over my head relieved some of the throbbing.

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Trouble is its very uncommon for me to get migraines at all.. so heading to the doc now would be silly as he wouldn't prescribe it. Either way its all cleared up now, normal life can resume.


In fact it almost worked out well, I got an extra 4 hours sleep due to coming home early and not having to stay until 11. So actually I'm very awake and refreshed now! 

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