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H&K Picture Thread

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So, finally got this project finished. Far more work than I might have hoped for but I have learnt some things for next time(!).  

My VFC MP5K with SP89 handguard and VFC MP5 with an K grip adapter.  

LCT HK21 conversion

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WE G36c GBB with 4 mags and a real H&K dual optic :D


Nice. Do you have a regular source for RS parts? I'm after a Latvian style KV rail. 



Also, out of interest, how does yours perform on full auto?


My K is a tack driver on semi, but throws a hissy fit and spits BBs out of the ejection port on full.

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Nice MP5s Bando!  where did you get that F stock on the ICS?


Ah yes, sorry my mistake!  That's what I get for posting at 1AM instead of sleeping.  I do like your G36 though!

You were close lol. I actually got the stock and A4 handguard second hand by posting up a wanted thread on airsoft society...best part is I got both for 35 shipped. Other than the cosmetic wear, the stock is perfect. Locks up nice and tight, no splitting, no broken plastic ring, and virtually no wobble. I have a couple upgrade internals on the way, and plan on lightening things up (internally), since I'm now limited to battery size and haven't made the full jump to lipo's yet.. So far though, I love it. The build quality is just as good as my CA (though not as heavy) and I love the looks with the f stock

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Have also emailed B&T who also manufacture the bit I want. Let's see how that one pans out.


While not as easy as in the US, you can buy RS parts for H&K guns online in Europe. Examples:








The first two accept orders in english. I'm not sure about the others, but it's worth a try. Anyway there are many small gun webshops like this in Europe.


Also, any parts related to H&K or B&T are  usually very, very expensive.

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How hard would it be to chop down a Jing Gong G3A3 like picture related?


The idea is to  shorten it so that the charging handle in the front position almost meets the front sight.


Chopping it will probably be easy, since it it mostly plastic. Reattaching it is what frightens me.




In case you were wondering, this is my project: Although it's a RS gun, I was wondering what a a German SR-47 would look like. If the germans had asked H&K for a rifle that can take battle pick-up AK mags for the Afghanistan war. 






Edited by chas
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We thought in 2008 about turning a BE HK33 into HK32.

AK47 mags fit without any (!!!) modifications. They fit too tight, and their "mouth" were in wrong position (maybe usin' the shell with replace internal would be OK).


Chopping plastic handguard is easy, if it has the same diameter along: you can fix them with an internal layer of fiberglass.

Edited by Murdoc
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