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So, finally got this project finished. Far more work than I might have hoped for but I have learnt some things for next time(!).  

My VFC MP5K with SP89 handguard and VFC MP5 with an K grip adapter.  

LCT HK21 conversion

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Yeah, sure, it's the "same as a 416 with a Geissele and long barrel realistically", except for the crucial part - just imagining a longer barrel on a HK416 does not tell me if the bayonet lug on the barrel of the M27 IAR will clear the handguard, or if there are any other clearance issues.


Hope that helps!

Sadly, no. That's an MR556, and not an M27 IAR, but thanks anyway.

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I fitted the SMR to my TM 416 and I had to hack off the bayonet lug and a good chunk off the bottom of the bit with the hole in to get the rail to fit.




if you look at the pic above its basically a straight line along the bottom taking off the bayonet lug and the bottom half of the whole, if that makes sense? 

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I noticed a few here have the PEQ14 on the HK45, I found a perfect solution imo for holsters.




This is the Fobus holster designed for Glock 21 which has a thicker slide. The gun slides in / out without any issue, it's a really good fit with no wobble, and I can re-holster and engage the lock with one hand, pretty pleased with it! Hope this helps!

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Its a Tm range isnt too bad but ive not been able to really test it. only takes 12 bbs any more and they fall out the shells. needs a rod or tool to load propperly and they need to be ram rodded in so they stay.

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