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Thanks BOE altho i already have crane stock installed.

I mean getting like four or five of those short three cell center crane battery sections made(basically a three cell or even four cell stick and using an LE stock or the like that can be easily removed.

Im not comfortable with using lipos just yet until technology improves and they arent as volatile as they currently are.

Edited by reaper16
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They are not volitile at all, BoE has been using them for the past month and a half with harsh play and nothing has gone wrong and with the new 7.3V you don't have to worry about destroying you gear boxes with a super high ROF, the &.3's seem like a normal airsoft battery but is half the size of a large 5500 mAh and lasts just as long.


I am going to try the stick LiPo in my buffer tube and if that doesnt work then a PEQ will have to do.

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quick question, since it's been a while since i bought a RAS system, are the newer King Arms and G&P RAS kits (like the CQB/R \ MRE ones) able to take front wired gearboxes? Is there enough space provided to get the wires through?

Edited by sturgis
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Paint job looks a lot better than before pfcstoner, good job :)


After some use should look really good.


Cheers, razor


thanks for the comment. it will be fielded real soon, thisa weekend i think. i have waited so long to get the parts for it all together.

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