Home Manufacturer News A&K return with a new website & new products

A&K return with a new website & new products

by News Fairy

imageA&K are back with a new website (it seems to be a little slow, or it could just be me, but hang in there:

Dear Arnie, Over couple months of company transformation, we proudly announce to you that A&K is back in town! With the "NEW" official website www.akairsoft.com

In the future, you can simply place your order through our email account, as well as access our most up-to-date information anytime anywhere through this website.

Meanwhile, the A&K MK43, M60VN and SVD (spring rifle) is opened for "Pre-order", whereas the rest of product(s) will be also available soon.


Should you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to email us at info@akairsoft.com (A&K)

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