Home Manufacturer News ReplisoftOnline.com custom Glock grips

ReplisoftOnline.com custom Glock grips

by Arnie

I’ve had an interesting email from the chaps at replisoftonline.com about a custom service that they offer for Glock pistol owners. Basically they cut your own grip down and return it to you with a custom finish and texture to your liking and specification. The photos that they have sent over look pretty sharp actually:

Are Glock frames too large for your liking? Does the trigger hook or the finger grooves cause you to have an uncomfortable grip on your pistol? Maybe the Glock in your arsenal just looks too plain. If thats the case then www.ReplisoftOnline.com is proud to offer grip reduction services on Glock series airsoft pistols. Our techs spend hours meticulously taking down the grips to your specifications so it fits your hand comfortably.

We all know that the Glock grips are not very positive because of the large smooth panels so we fixed that by stippling the grip. Why use ugly grip tape which peels off over time when you can have it as a permanent feature on your gun? The texture is that of grip tape except that it does not flake off or peel over time. If necessary we can also change the grip angle to a certain degree so it feels like an extension of you hand, enabling quicker target acquisition.

Make your Glock yours; stand out from the crowd.
For more information or to send in your Glock, please E-mail us at Service@replisoftonline.com or visit our website at www.replisoftonline.com Victor, (Replisoftonline.com)

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