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New videos, historical documents & more from HMSG

by News Fairy

The Historical Military Simulations Group (HMSG) have two new videos, some further developments to their website and some historical documents to interest you:

imageHey Troops, HMSG has been really busy producing media this past week. We have two new videos online: INF100:You the Army and Vietnam the viewer will be provided a basic overview of how the US Army operated in Vietnam and what you can expect in your tour with HMSG.

imageIn VIET101 People’s Army Of North Vietnam (North Vietnamese Army) Comrade Son from the 44th Division’s Political Department instructs you on the history of the People’s Army of North Vietnam.

We have a lot of great historical documents available online for our members. if there was one document that you could read to get a better idea of what it was like in a NVA unit – try “MISSIONS OF THE 308TH NVA DIVISION” available right here on our HMSG site. The report is really good info for living history / airsoft players including personalities, clothing, equipment, what they ate, what they did in camp, and what their missions where like.


We have also programmed in some Facebook like features to the HMSG web site. Drop by and let us know how the Nam is treating you.


LT MAC, Team Two Zero – Long Range Patrol, Historical Military Simulation Group Advisor (HMSG)

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