Home Event News ‘Day 73’ event at MOD Bramley, 29th & 30th May, 2010

‘Day 73’ event at MOD Bramley, 29th & 30th May, 2010

by News Fairy

image Airsoft Military Simulations are holding an event with a difference this May:

Here’s some news on a new 24 hour event taking place on the 29th /30th of May at MOD Bramley, with a slight departure from the usual type of game play.

This event is being run by Airsoft Military Simulations in conjunction with Ranger Airsoft and in association with Ambush Wargames

“A lot can happen in a few months. Wars can be declared, allegiances forged, enemies made… or the entire human race can be brought to the brink of annihilation.

The scientists said it came from China, a mutation of bird flu, others said it came as a message from God himself. The infection was virulent sweeping across the globe, infecting millions – its hosts rampaging, attacking those that remained uninfected. Entire city’s, nations, have been laid to waste by hordes of the cannibalistic infected.

Before long governments collapsed and nations fell to their knees. Concerns about where the virus had come from withered away and died – it didn’t matter to us, the survivors, all that mattered was that it was here and with it came the infected.

Civilisations crumbled and before long, with no law and order to govern them, tribal factions arose from the ashes of society only to wage their own wars upon each other. Pockets of survivors had little choice but to take up arms and align themselves with whichever faction they came into contact with first. The alternative to live outside of the tribes’ fortified sanctuaries, in the wastelands, to dodge not only the infected but the lawless living, meant certain death.

Yet there is hope. A broadcast. Remnants of a military research team have survived.

They say they have made a breakthrough, a possible vaccine…
They say they can offer sanctuary, a stronghold named Bramley…”

Further details can be found on the following links along with a survivors journal.

Many Thanks, Geoff (Airsoft Military Simulations)

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