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Thumpy says: College & airsoft DO mix!

by News Fairy

imageThumpy has written a great piece about airsoft at college and specifically the Clemson Airsoft Team:

If you do it the RIGHT WAY, and in a Thumpy’s SPECIAL REPORT, we check into the ‘net with some of our FAVORITE COLLEGIATE AIRSOFTERS IN THE U.S.A., the "Cats of the Clemson Airsoft Team….with some DO’s and DONT’s for Airsoft at College.   Do it Right, Do it Safe and be INNOVATORS like the CATS!  ONLY at Thumpy’s 3-D House of Airsoft:  http://Thumpmaster6.wordpress.com and Thumpy’s at Tumblr:  http://Thumpmaster6.Tumblr.com

Read the Special Report here

It is always fun to point the Tac-Light at guys who are good sports, INNOVATORS and some of the nicest ‘Cats to have on your side in a firefight!

Thumpy…OVER (Thumpy’s 3-D House of Airsoft)

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