Home Retailer News Airsoft4You: Last chance to order Flyye Industries gear

Airsoft4You: Last chance to order Flyye Industries gear

by News Fairy

imageIf you want to order some Flyye Industries gear from Airsoft4You you’ll have to get in quick, tomorrow is your last chance:

It’s Your Last chance to order Flyye Industries tactical Gear from Airsoft4You at such a good price, before we change the product line to Pantac Gear. The reason for this is due to us wanting to supply you rather than you waiting for a number of weeks; with the pantac gear we can have it in stock in a few days and can order in on short notice. Keep your eyes out for many more product lines soon to be hitting are site and as always at a reasonable price.

The next 5 people to order a FLYYE vest bundle will receive a 5% discount on the vest, Hurry before it’s to late!

Last Order must be in by 12.00 PM tomorrow night

Toby (Airsoft4You)

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