Home ArniesAirsoftFeatured Articles Airsoft International volume 6 Issue 5 out Monday

Airsoft International volume 6 Issue 5 out Monday

by News Fairy

The latest issue of Airsoft International Magazine is due out in the shops on Monday:


Hi Guys, Just wanted to inform you that the next issue of Ai hits the shelves on Monday, Yet another 92 page edition, full to over flowing with everything you need to know about Airsoft We are in the process of ramping up our global in store activity once again with major news trade promotions. Other magazines try, but cant emulate what we have achieved.


On another note we have a thriving face book page up and running. We are just about to start a weekly competition so sign up and enjoy the party. Ai is the biggest selling Airsoft magazine in print  and the most popular airsoft magazine now on face book. (Airsoft International Magazine)

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