ActionHobbies have sent in details of their latest stock update:
We have a stock up date with many new lines, below is a sample but we have over 100 new products in process of listing
A&K Colt M16 A3 AEG
Ares Shooter High Quality Gear Sets
Ares Shooter 6, 7, 8mm Bearing + Many more shooter items
Cyma AKM
Cyma / Cybergun AK47s Folding and full stock
G&G AK 104 EVO Blow Back
King Arms AK47s
VFC M4 ES-Baby
VFC Scar L
VFC Scar H
VFC GBBR + MagsPlus more we are adding daily
Also news from us is we have now finished our warehouse clear up, as a result of this we have a a lot of ex-demo / items with no packaging we are planning to clear, the upside this this was we found over 100 items on pallets we are now able to list and have the room for the storage.
Unfortunately apart from the guns there is to much to list on the clearance section, but pop in Tues – Friday and we have clearance bins now set up from combat / tactical gear, mags, scopes, silencers and lots of internals starting at £1
We are also now running a weekly special section, where we will choose each week some products for a special deal / price, this will be in place until next year. (ActionHobbies)