Home Retailer News CRW -Dboy Kar98k in stock again

CRW -Dboy Kar98k in stock again

by News Fairy

CRW have some items back in stock:

Dear Editor, CRW airsoft HK just have both Spring and gas 98k rifle back in stock, they all have real wood stock.


Kar98k WWII GAS powered rifle (Wood and metal) by Dboys


Kar98k WWII rifle (Wood and metal) by Dboys

Some video review of 98k

Dboy Kar98k (wood stock, gas version) www.crw-airsoft.com

Dboy Kar98k sniper from www.crw-airsoft.com

Dboy 98k reload from www.crw-airsoft.com

Regards, Eddie, Director (CRW)

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