Home Website Updates From Thumpy: New Fulda Gap videos today

From Thumpy: New Fulda Gap videos today

by News Fairy

Thumpy has some new videos from Fulda Gap up in his 3-D House of Airsoft:

Arn: We go "Black Ops" with the first two videos we’ve ever seen done after-dark at Fulda Gap. One is the 2010 night game..and as expected, you get only a TASTE of what happens when the sun goes down….and the second is a look around camp on Saturday night. Seems a lot of NATO players were sitting out the night game…and it cost them some points. Didn’t matter in the end, though.

Check out the new vids…and a ton o news today…at Thumpy’s Joint….http://Thumpmaster6.wordpress.com (Thumpy’s 3-D House of Airsoft)

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