Home Retailer News New products & website reorganisation for Platoon Stores

New products & website reorganisation for Platoon Stores

by News Fairy

Platoon Stores have been busy reorganising their website and adding some new products at the same time:

Hi Guys, Just to let you know we have been having a quiet revolution on our website, in the last week we have added over 60 new products and reorganised the categories making it easier to find things.


There’s a lot of very good deals in the boot department and of course if you have the "attitude" you can always get the t-shirt. We are currently taking pre-orders on the fantastic new magnum sidewinders and their new "Help for Heroes" trainer. Best of all buy a pair of Blackhawk Pants and get a free tactical shirt! We’d love to know your feedback.

Later on this week we’ll be releasing some fantastic news for airsofters.
Thanks Jane (Platoon Stores)

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