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Attention Field of Fire magazine advertisers

by News Fairy

Luke from Field of Fire Magazine is looking for advertisers to resend him their details as he’s lost some data following a computer virus:

I have lost a lot of advertising for shops and events if you can resend to me it will be put in for the late issue at the end of the month (only may and June inc in the issue).

We might be attending the gun powder mills show at end of month (start of may) will be a really good show for all to go to.

Apart from that guys hope all is we with everyone and hope to meet a lot of you guys in the future at events luke Halladay…..  fofmagazine@live.co.uk

also new website http://www.field-of-fire.co.uk
fofmagazineadvert@live.co.uk (advert email)

(Field of Fire)

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