Land Warrior Airsoft have some A-TACS clothing in stock:
Hey Arnies, Just to let everyone know Propper’s A-TACS® camoflague BDU shirt and trousers are now in stock at Land Warrior Airsoft! Shirt and Trousers are £59.99 individually or £110 for the set.
A-TACS® was developed by Digtal Concealment Systems, (DCS) to answer the call for better and more effective camouflage system integration for duty personnel in any service branch from military to law enforcement. A-TACS® is designed as a universal pattern for a wide range of operational environments with additional supporting color and design variants to follow.
Many of the modern digital camouflage patterns currently in use by the tactical community have flaws. The square pixels used to create the distortion effect do not replicate the shapes, forms and shadows of the environment they are deployed in-especially when viewed through optics. The ninety-degree angles and limited use of natural colors can in many cases, make detection easier.
Additionally, the “visual noise” in these same patterns tends to make them close-up into a solid color, producing a “blobbing” effect when viewed from a distance. A-TACS® addresses and improves these critical issues in three ways.
For more information on how the pattern was developed visit www.a-tacs.comThe sun is shining at Land Warrior HQ and we’re looking forward to getting out in the field tomorrow. Have a great weekend!
Nikki (Land Warrior Airsoft)