Home The Rumor Mill Thumpy: Another small Cyber-G watch update

Thumpy: Another small Cyber-G watch update

by News Fairy

Thumpy has a small update on Cybergun:

This was quite a find in the on-going Cyber-G Watch…and although the GOOGLE TRANSLATE from French to English is mighty poor, it does make for some interesting reading.

Does it say:  That J.M. shirked military service?  That airsoft guns are used to commit 50% of the armed robberies in France?  That an action by Beretta led to the start of Cybergun?  And, that Blackwater/Xe is actually PARTNERS in the long-rumored video game production by Cyber-G?

Read for Yourself!  Here’s the TRANSLATE LINK to the piece by French business website www.capital.fr

THUMPY….OVER (Thumpy’s 3-D House of Airsoft)

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