Home Event News Airsoft Arms Fair 3 prizes and activities news

Airsoft Arms Fair 3 prizes and activities news

by News Fairy

Below are some of the prizes and activities those of you attending the third Airsoft Arms Fair this weekend can look forward to. There are still a few tickets for the 1pm entry left if you’re temped by what’s on offer:


The 3rd Airsoft Arms Fair is packed with competitions, special offers and experiences. We’ve patched together a brief summary for you below, but to find them all your just going to have to explore the show.

AAF & AI are offering a £1 refund on the door for anyone who is wearing an AI patch on arrival.

AAF & Edgar Brothers are offering 2 Magpul Masadas up for grabs. Bring your camera to the show and start snapping, send us your photos after the show and the two best photos will win the people who took them one of these lovely guns each.

Soldier “I” & Gunman Midlands are offering a free place on their upcoming CQB training day run by Pete Winner. Attend Pete’s talk at the show and the person who asks the best question (in Pete’s opinion) will earn themselves a Days training worth £100.

Dingodogs Airsoft, G1098 Tactical and Afghan Heroes are offering a £1,000 prize bundle of goodies. All you have to do to enter is have your photo taken with the Afghan Heroes motorbike and 2 Television X models, we know its a tough one. Or you can just buy a raffle ticket.

Edgar Brothers and Stirling Airsoft are running 4 man, 30 minute CQB training sessions, these are free and open to anyone. All kit will be provided by Edgar Brothers. All participants will receive a goodie bag and be entered into a prize draw.

Frontier Airsoft are offering the chance to become “The face of Frontier Airsoft” attend the show in your load out or buy a load out at the show and go see their photographer. The winner will get 4 photoshoots with a professional photographer to show off just how awesome you are, and become immortalised on posters and flyers.

AI are giving away Revision shooting glasses with every AI patch and copy of AI purchased.

AI & Shop at The Grange are offering a 5% discount on top of any other show deals to any AI patch wearer.

Thats well over £3,000 in prizes

aaf@suspensionofdisbelief.co.uk 01676 532384 (Airsoft Arms Fair)

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