Home The Rumor Mill Thumpy: Update on the Cybergun App post

Thumpy: Update on the Cybergun App post

by News Fairy

Thumpy has an update to his recent post about a new Cybergun app:

APPARENTLY (SARCASM ALERT!)  The cats’ at Cybergun are paying attention…as we got the following e-mail this morning….from Gael Ferec, who heads Cyber-G’s App effort, put together by an outside vendor:


Gael FEREC  – Thumpy3D@gmail.com

date: Mon, May 23, 2011 at 3:42 AM

subject: Cybergun on Appstore

Hi Thumpy

I’m Gael, I’m in charge of this app.

I’ve check your review of our new app and you’re right, it’s a bad mistake from our developer, we asked him to put the app in +17. It’s will be changed soon.

English version will be realised soon also.

Have a nice day!

Bye, Gaël FEREC, Purchase Department, Event Manager

THUMPY…Over (Thumpy’s 3-D House of Airsoft)

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