Home Manufacturer News Burst Wizard King Kong beta available now

Burst Wizard King Kong beta available now

by News Fairy

The new Burst Wizard King Kong in beta form is now available and AEG Wizard are looking for testers:

If you have a youtube channel, facebook account with over 100 subscribed members or a forum or a good sized team or people who will listen to you. Please, convince me to send you a Burst Wizard King Kong for review for just $9.99 to cover my shipping and handling fee.

You will get the following from my Burst Wizard King Kong!
1) Of course it is still a plug’N’play MOSFET unit but it can also be installed as a wire-in MOSFET to bypass the trigger switch current. The BW King Kong is so smart to recognize how it is being ‘TIED-UP’
2) Come pre-programmed as a 3-round burst MOSFET with 0.6 second resume to fullauto option if the trigger switch is held (REALLY A PLUG’N’PLAY MOSFET)
3) Cycle-gear burst technology to guarantee complete gear and spring cycling for every burst round!
4) Burst count and other settings are easily programmed into the BW King Kong and remembered even after power is unplugged
5) 0.2 second increment step for your choice of fullauto and sniper delay (BW LV is fixed at 1 second)
6) Precise % and smooth ROF reduction technology
7) Build-in 20A resettable fuse. NO MORE BLOWING FUSE ANYMORE. (You may remove your fuse box and replace it with the BW King Kong
8) Improved LIPO battery low voltage warning and protection
9) Tap-and-fire option for wire-in mode
10) Full MIL SIM support
11) Password protected functions for fullauto lockout, max burst count and gun lockout to meet field safety and regulation
12) The world’s best MOSFET chip as of today. (240A peak current)
13) Comes with super low resistance wires
14) Super small size 1.8" x 0.65" x 0.35" (4.57cm x 1.65cm x 0.89cm)

First look of the BW King Kong is at www.aegwizard.com

It is for sale at a reasonable price of $69.99 but if you meet my expectations, I will send one to you for just $9.99 to cover my shipping and handling fee TO ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD NOT JUST IN THE USA!

YOU WILL NOT FIND ANOTHER MOSFET that can stand a chance with my BW King Kong in price and capability!!

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